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Winter weather suggestion(pics included)

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Winter weather suggestion

Simple way to make Winter weather:

-change ground textures to snow textures

-change grass textures to icy grass textures

-change the look of everything into a frozen look

-tint screen in a blue-gray color

-add fog(e.g. blizzard = high fog density)

-add motion blur to snowflake particles

Region: Inland/Mountains

In-game novelties:

[NEW] Hypothermia

Cause: after running and getting your body temeprature >40°, if you stop to sit/crouch n' walk/ your body temperature starts dropping faster than the normal rate. If your body temperature gets below 35° you start shaking and if the temperature gets below 30° you fall unconscious.

Cure: lighting up a fire and drying out for 5-10mins

Temporary cure: Heat Packs

Effect: Inaccurate aim, hyperventilation sound

[NEW] Item: Flare Gun

[NEW] Skin: Tactical Winter camo

Concept screenshots:



*These images were taken from the Gallery sub-forum, I just edited them for the concept.

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I like it, i could see how others wouldnt like it tho. Maybe if you did something to cover the mountains in this game in snow? So that you have both parts? Will probably not work. Good suggestion tho :)

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Maybe on a new map, I don't really see chernarus being snowy.

Chernarus is a very big place. I think the areas near the north-west airfield could see some snow and frost now and then. Since it's by no means a tropical location in the first place. Maybe not enough to cover the land in snow, but enough to create a frosty effect (Could be applied with decals or a situationally/regionally cued layer-switch)

Perhaps they could extend the north and west borders a tad, just enough to get back further into that mountainous area where such an environment transition would go unchallenged by the complainers. Also the mountainous areas could receive quite a bit more precipitation.

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