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Medic zombies, civilian rifle & others

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So I have a few ideas.

One of them is the medical zombies. They spawn around the hospitals and around crashed ambulances, have a chance to carry some medical stuff (blood bag, painkillers, epi-pen, morphine...) They'd wear white doctor coats.

It'd be fun to create a crashed-ambulance vehicle, spawning randomly near roads with a few medical supplies (like 3 loots max).

And maybe add some non-crashed ambulances that you can drive around with the siren blasting off :D

Another idea was creating another weapon: a civilian .22 LR carabine with a scope and maybe a suppressor. Would do small damages (I'm thinking M9 / glock 17 type of damages), not much noise, a good chance of finding ammos, a small range (I've never shot a .22 LR but I think over 150m will have difficulty to kill a Zed)

Maybe add 2 types of ammunition: .22 LR subsonic and High velocity.

Another weapon idea is the UMP .45

Why do I want it? Simple:

Compatible with .45 ammunitions (takes 4 1911 mags OR 4 revolver clip to create an UMP clip)

It is supposed to be an alternative for between the MP5 & the M4 for CQC: More firepower than the Mp5 but more maniable than the m4. Less noise than the M4, too. I think it'd create more possibilities in CQC. What about a rare version of the UMP with a silencer and some subsonic ammos, only compatible with the UMP so nobody will use SD ammos on revolver & 1911?

Another think I'd like to see is this: add more loot location but lower the loot chance, so when scavenging a site we really would search all of the area and not only a few buildings. Why? It'd create interesting situation I think, more ambush possibilities, the sensation of real search... Yeah, I'd like it.

Also, but people have already mentionned it: the possibility to find some weapon attachment, like scopes, silencers, red dot sights, iron sights, grips, bipods & other stuff like this. I think it'd had some diversity in the game. Any newly attached scope / dot would need a few shots to be zeroed though (3 shots would be nice I think)

That's all for the moment folks!

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There is 'medical' zombies, we bumped into a few in Cherno last night whilst looting hospital, they were dropping bandages and what not.

UMP45? Good idea, but personally we need more bolt action/semi-auto rifles that ain't military grade, I found that once I had an AK47/M4 I was un-stoppable in Cherno.

a .22LR really wouldn't do much damage and wouldn't be a very worth addition personaly, maybe a .223, as far as I know you can use 5.56 rounds in them, so could use stanag rounds to combine for it.

Loot is fine as is.

Yeah man, running around the cities with a Tacticool as f**k M4 in a post apocolyptic eastern european country... No.

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the idea of the .22 is to have a hunting / zed hunting weapon and eventually a small distance sniper for the early pvp (defending against those bandits hunting down freshly spawned players in cherno). A .223 rifle would be too powerfull against players and more people will rage "ololo I got sniped remove snipers lololo".

Civilian zeds can loot bandages, i'm saying specific zeds looting epi-pen, painkillers, eventually bloodbags and morphine, not only bandages & painkillers.

And I don't think loot is fine, it is incredibly fast to loot & get some stuff if you are smart :)

Edit: for the attachment, it is a Zed apocalypse, not a post-nuclear warfare apocalypse, so yes, attachement of any kind can be found, and since there was no EMP, you can use them.

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I'd like to see more Russian/Soviet weapons and way less western weapons.

Adding some "speacial forces" UMP does not sound good to me.

If you really want to add some crappy gun,we could put a spring-powered pellet rifle.

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a .22LR really wouldn't do much damage and wouldn't be a very worth addition personaly' date=' maybe a .223, as far as I know you can use 5.56 rounds in them, so could use stanag rounds to combine for it.


I would love a Rugger 10/22 it's quite, accurate, and lethal, it's the perfect survival rifle.

personally, the makarov doesn't do enough damage in the game. Pistol rounds will rip you up, even the 9mm ones (spec if it's hollow point)

don't underestimate small rounds!

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