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General Idea's(just chuck some idea's here)

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Hey guys i was just hoping with this community growing so big that we could help the dayz dev team come up with good idea's/improvements.

My Idea's:

1. Bullet Refining and Reforging(like Fallout New Vegas)

2. Attachments can be found

3. Gun benches to alter your guns*includes previous one(so if you find a m1911 silencer you can attach with the gun bench or also the with the gun bench maybe some customization like you can add camo to gun just to be unique)

4. Radios with stations so you can contact your friends or others over long distances(with a few radio channels)

5. Should have the option to lie in your tent which keeps your warmth

6. Plywood as a melee weapon, Reinforced metal as a melee weapon, A baseball bat.

7. GAME NEEDS TWINKY'S(Tallahassee life would not be worth living other wise)

(I know this is all very hard to code and these are mearly idea's please also contribute to make this game as good as it can be)

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