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So i currently have a Nvidia Geforce 7025.... needless to say it makes snails look fast! I want to buy a video card that isnt too expensive and gets the job done for DayZ

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With that budget you probably won't see a ton of improvements around performance. I don't know much about Radeon cards around that price range, but an NVidia GTS 450 might be within your budget. The GTS 450 costs about $100 USD, or about $120 NZD.

Here is a video of ARMA 2 running on it:

But also note, ARMA is mostly CPU dependent. Although your graphics card is outdated, you may not see a dramatic improvement because of this.

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Hi there,

May I ask what make and model number CPU, PSU and motherboard you are using? You can check the CPU and motherboard using CPU-Z (http://www.cpuid.com/softwares/cpu-z.html), to find out the PSU info you will need to take the side off your case and look for the rating/information sticker on the unit.

A new graphics card is a good start for getting your PC able to play ARMA2/DayZ, however you will also need to have a half-decent CPU to get the game running acceptably and your PSU needs to be good enough to run the more power-hungry graphics card.

As for a graphics card to fit in that budget, I'm not sure what hardware prices are like in NZ, but based on currency conversion I would be looking at a graphics card like an AMD HD 5750, HD 5770, HD 6750, HD 6770, HD 6850 and HD 7770. If you can find one a Nvidia GTX 460 would be a great card to get in this price range.

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My computer has everything the game requires except the video card. The game loads fast just slow with the textures and what not even on low. I will look into the GTS 450, The CPU that my computer has is AMD Athlon II X2 Processor which meets the requirements for Arma

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Well from running a directX Diagnostics the processor is a AMD Athlon™ II X2 Processor (2CPUs) at 3.0GHz. What I think I will do is take my computer into my local tech and get him to fit it up for me. I am looking into making my own computer hopefully at the end of this year so if i dont end up sorting it out I will just build a monster! Thanks guys for the help

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If its an Athlon II X2 then yes - you should be fine for the CPU requirement. Obviously, it won't be able to rival an i5 in the CPU stakes, but it will run the game well enough - so long as you tweak your settings.

Now you just need to check your PSU is good enough for a proper graphics card.

The GTS 450 isn't a bad card, but it tends to cost about the same as a HD 5770 or 6770 (these two cards are basically the same, but with different names) but performs worse (see here http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/538?vs=609 ). Therefore, I would recommend the AMD cards over the GTS 450.

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The GTS 450 isn't a bad card' date=' but it tends to cost about the same as a HD 5770 or 6770 (these two cards are basically the same, but with different names) but performs worse (see here http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/538?vs=609). Therefore, I would recommend the AMD cards over the GTS 450.


I'm glad someone knows more about AMD cards in that price range! :)

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