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Respawn Confirmation Box

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Welp, after trying to change some options tonight, and accidentally clicking respawn (which is right below options), it suddenly occurred to me how the Respawn option might need a confirmation box that pops up, asking you if you really want to suicide before it happens

I highly doubt that this happens often... but after losing half a days worth of work due to a mis-click, something like this seems worthwhile to look into

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This should be stickied.

Haha thanks

I feel like such a friggin' idiot though for clicking respawn

I had a DMR, Ghillie suit, and a G17 with fuckloads of ammo, medical supplies, and cooked meat.

I just went to change settings, clicked respawn, and was like "Oh. Fucknuggets"

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I know someone who did this as well. But no real change needs to be made. Darwinism at work, you won't EVER make that mistake again will ya? :P

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