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Looking for people to Team with!

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I'm a newcomer to this game but have a bit of experience.

I love the game but find it hard to survive without a Team/group.

I think if people play in a team it would be a funner experience overall.

The above may sound cheesy so here it is just straight up:

Team with me.

Requirements: Mic, DayZ, Skype

My Skype: diloubilou111

send me a request and we can start DayZ-ing together.

So go ahead!

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I'm not much of a newcomer, (been playing for about two weeks now), but I'd like to get into a little group thing as well. I have a friend that I play with sometimes, but we never get very far into doing badass group stuff.

i have a mic, skype, teamspeak 3, and of course dayz

skype - gabriel.garcia451

I'm also located in Texas, but I play at all hours of the day, (work is really slow)

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Heyo i need a group, if you'll have me, pm me.

Edit: ignore this post, already found a group.

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i'd like to join,but i'm afraid you 'd shoot me in the back....

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Well I have way too much stuff on me, I'm located in Rog castle and looking for teammates :)

Steam: drakan8228

Skype: TheBullshitJammer

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