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Does it seem to you, like playing as a female makes a player better off?

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My first thought when I started playing this mod was to use a Female character as I thought it may discourage people from killing me instantly' date=' but it had no effect at all... Maybe they need to introduce an option to play as a child to see if that would put people off killing on sight. I know it's not real, but I'd have a hard time killing an innocent looking child even if they are just part of a game. I'm not actually serious about the devs doing that by the way, just saying.


I would deffinitely play as a child if that were implemented.

I would sneak around wielding a hatchet broadcasting eerie sound board samples of a childs voice saying 'Can I come with you?' through my mic switching to hair raising screaming as soon as I establish visual contact and start sprinting towards them.

Atleast a few people should lose some sleep over it. :rolleyes:

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NO? lol

I played as a female model at first but that didn't stop me from getting killed. Started playing as male once I found out that you can't use diff skins as female

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I am more likely to shoot a female on sight.

Most likely any female characters in game are being played by males who are either 1. Perverted. or 2. looking for a way slip past other players defenses. so I shot on sight.

TLDR: Female characters are lying males behind PCs. I shoot on sight.

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Female or Male,i'm so terrified to be shot in the back that i hide asap when i see something moving,or shoot if the other person looks too interested in my backpack.

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Female or Male' date='i'm so terrified to be shot in the back that i hide asap when i see something moving,or shoot if the other person looks too interested in my backpack.


You wouldn't believe the sheer amount of morphine and soda I have placed in others backpacks only to realize that the other person can't access it because of a glitch.

4 srs. I'm a super-good guy.. to most good people.

I think it speaks for equality when it seems that everyone else is just as likely to shoot at women, lol. I'm just glad with fellows like NobodieCro arond, I'm not the only one who can't go for them in the scope right away!

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Still got shot on sight most of the time, and then couldn't wear any camos or ghilles I found. Looks like it has a smaller hitbox though.

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I would deffinitely play as a child if that were implemented.

I would sneak around wielding a hatchet broadcasting eerie sound board samples of a childs voice saying 'Can I come with you?' through my mic switching to hair raising screaming as soon as I establish visual contact and start sprinting towards them.

Atleast a few people should lose some sleep over it. :rolleyes:

Could use this xD Skip to 0:20

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I would deffinitely play as a child if that were implemented.

I would sneak around wielding a hatchet broadcasting eerie sound board samples of a childs voice saying 'Can I come with you?' through my mic switching to hair raising screaming as soon as I establish visual contact and start sprinting towards them.

Atleast a few people should lose some sleep over it. :rolleyes:

wow this is a bit creepy...i know exactly what movie you are talking about, it is pretty corny for the most part (good but corny) except for a few scenes, which freak the hell out of me every time...and what you are talking about is one of them...


Edited by brunhin

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I met a girl named Alice_Packs.

Has a colt on her hip and a Winnie on her back.

Rosy red lips and eyes of blue.

Watch out boy, she's got her sights on you.

:thumbsup: :lol:

Actually, this thread has made me realise something weird....I've yet to meet another woman in the game. Ever.

Same. I have NEVER met another woman to my knowledge, that has actually spoken in direct chat.

Honestly? I shoot male/females the same, however I am a woman and therefore really don't care.

Do I get shot less? This depends.

I get shot instantly if I do not speak in direct chat. When I speak in direct chat, they seem to let me live.

I was running passed two guys in Cherno, one says "There's someone, are they friendly?" And the other one pointed at me and I yell "Oh no please don't kill me!" and he says "Oh it's a girl." and they didn't shoot me.

And later, people in the convenience store saw me running to the store. They shoot and miss, I lay down outside the wall and one of them said "Should I shoot her or no?" and I said "No I don't think you should shoot her." And he replied "Oh, sorry woman." and they turned around and left me alone.

So when I am with my clan, and we're all "geared up", I obviously never get close enough to use direct chat. Sometimes I play as a male, so I can wear clothing, but when I am playing as a female, I am 100% sure I am shot the same as any male character would.

Hey men, just use girly voices ^_^

Edited by kyriel

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Short Answer : No.

Female IRL, I always prefer to play a female character in game. I don't believe I'm treated any better for my female skin or voice (yes I use direct chat & mic). If anything, I'm probably considered an easier target - if only for my BRIGHT white trousers which cannot be changed.

Edited by Kay

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A body with a gun is a threat, boobs or no. If I feel threatened, gender doesn't matter. Heck, I was holed up in the Cherno church the other day when a woman ran inside. I might not have shot her right away, but she had a ton of zombies in tow and I didn't want to take any risks. Pew! The Enfield packs a punch.

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Im sure there is a planned fix for that.


Stolen from the demotivational thread.

My 12th life is a female char and shes been alive about 30 times longer than all my previous lives put together. I already have my 13th life planned out for when I die.

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Frankly, I think having the female skin on may have a small effect... I certainly seem to notice a small hesitation before pulling the trigger myself when I see one. Yet, I try to treat all people equally and overcome that hesitation and shoot the female skinned players on sight as well. :P

I do think that as men in real life generally have a less aggressive attitude toward women than to other "rival" men, this also reflects itself in the game as well. Any hint that the other player might be a woman causes the male brain go all "oh its a woman, not a threat, rather just the opposite" and therefore causes a slight attitude change. Of course, since most players don't really think that there is real a woman behind female skin, it might not always show.

I once decided not to shoot someone based on the female skin. Not because I would have thought he was a woman (based on the player name, he was not). But rather because I was out there to hunt down the group of 3 guys who had shot me for no reason. And because this guy was equipped with only a crowbar, crawling around the supermarket floor with broken bones asking for help - and most importantly he had the female skin - so there was no way he could have been one of those guys I was out there to hunt down, so instead of shooting the guy, I decided to give him my last morphine and went off to continue my hunt. So the female skin saved his ass that time. Some three other guys, all with male skins, that I found around the neighbourhood all got to taste some lee enfield revenge. At least two of them were pretty surely the ones I was after, the third one I was not fully sure about, might have been collateral damage.

Equally, if seeing the female skin may make me hesitate, the ghillie is always sure to remove any hesitation. I may randomly make contact with other players instead of trying to shoot them, especially if they don't have proper weaponry, but the guys with the ghillies... I always try to shoot them - probably even if they claimed to be friendly.

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