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A plea for more servers!

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Rocket, you're a very humble person and its quite inspiring. I thank you so much for this mod. I see you doing very great things. I will gladly do my part as well in helping the community grow with servers and donations if possible. I spent 30.00 on Amra 2 but I really wish that 30.00 would of went to you guys on the Dayz dev team!

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Is it worth moving this thread to the servers section of the forum?

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Gave $10 to Jonnerz. It's made it over $100.00 just today!! :)

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Will give $ 30 when i got my salary, don't worry i will support this shit. Got cash son.

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I've ordered a server in Phoenix, Arizona. Should get it over the weekend.

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Sweet Jonnerz! Thanks!

If you want to put up a tip jar or something (and maybe an MoTD so players know where to throw their change) I'd be happy to point my friends at it too.

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Just out of curiousity are any of the current US servers based in LA?

If not, this might be something to look into for Aus/NZ players as the "pipeline" that carries our precious internets connects to the U.S via LA. It certainly wouldn't be as good as a Aus or NZ server, but it would perform better than any other U.S server for us oceanic players.

Also this morning I looked into AUS/NZ servers and the ones I found cost $200-$300 a month for a 32 slot server. Could anyone recommend any NZ/AUS server providers that offer better plans/pricing?

Should anyone else wish to set up a oceanic server I would be happy to chip in around $50 a month, maybe more depending on my bills.

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Has anyone in Aus contacted Internode in regards to making a Dayz server now AEF's is down? The fact that AEF's was constantly full should be enough to prove that it wouldn't go un-used.

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damn ALL eu servers are constantly full except early in the morning. and where did fr3 go? cant login anywhere for a while now :(.

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Im looking to host a couple of servers for Dayz just add me in steam - zxrtommo

What do you need? Help setting ArmA 2 up on a server, or what?

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We definitely need more US veteran servers. One of them has really bad ping and the other two are almost never up.

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Too be honest, I think there shouldn't be more servers until the central database is upgraded / changed. It's a mess already, the central DB was made to test 2x50 slots, and currently there are like 1400 slots.

I'd love to see more players and more slots, but not until the central DB is fixed.

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Has anyone looked into using Amazon Web Servers, and building a far more scale-able database solution that can handle tens of thousands of concurrent users?

Specifically Amazon RDS with Amazon ElastiCache, or if your up for it Amazon DynamoDB (noSQL data store).

I'm sure the community would be happy to donate towards something like that as well. I know I would be.

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I'm starting to think;

Number 5 on steam top sellers = high exposure. Currently 2,600 subscribed to forums. Let's say that, ~2 in 3 people who buy the game, play the mod.

On top of that, around 1 in 2 people visit the forums.

Out of that, 2 outta 3 sign up to the forums.

Excuse me, but my math is shit, Im only guessing this is the formula...

(((2600 / 2) * 3)*2)/2) * 3 = 11700

if we had the hardware to do so, we may be looking at around 5,000 concurrent players...and a fast expansion in to the 10's of thousands.

Scary thought.

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Griff, that would be pretty cool. Damnit, I just wish that I could do it with my Linux server. Makes me sad, bro.

I'll talk about installing 2008 on it with my server co-owner.

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Well, I've been waiting on a reply since this morning from the Dev Team about paying to host a server for the clan that I just started. But, if anyone here knows, where is the best place to look for a DayZ compatible server? I really have no knowledge of the subject, I'm just willing to drop the cash to get another server up and running. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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