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Im thinking i was running through the forest the other day with a friend and we holed up around an abandoned barn to patch up. We saw a wire fencing kit infront of one exit but we don't know how to use one ( IF youcould tell me that would be good ) but then it hit me. A big place, Animals and small shacks...Why not introduce Bear traps? Bandits try taking you inside a building? just lay a bear trap and hide it

Leave the guy with a broken leg and Bleeding, He'd regret it.

any ideas?

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I like the idea.

Me and a friend where talking bout this a few days ago

Its not even unrealistic to find bear traps at farms

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+1, great idea.

Bear trap should result in blood loss (-4000?) and broken legs.

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Grenade + Tin can = Grenade in a can trap

Lovely little bandit tries to enter building, springs the wire pulling the grenade out the can causing it to explode after a short delay.

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Like this idea, as long as trap spam can be prevented.

By that, I mean someone putting 1000 traps around the map to screw with people.

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