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Am i going to get banned now?

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Hello, last night i was watching OmNiKai's stream and he decided to invite viewers to his server to play. So i connect with a new made character and ran to the rallying point which was the apartments/hospital in cherno. Once i got there i see some guy with a UH-1H chopper landing i run to it and try to enter it which did not work 2 minute later i get disconnected and i reconnect..

I spawn right next to the chopper again with nobody in it and i see i got an AKM in my inventory with 7 mags the chopper right next to me so i enter it and i see its fully repaired every thing was green and full fuel. I started flying it but mange to crash it in elektro. Luckily i survived the crash with 1.6k blood and i logged out inside the church.

Now i think this was an hacked vehicle and the AKM in my inventory is hacked too so i dropped it all on the ground and like i said crashed the chopper in elektro i then logged off inside the church.

This happend on US 238 last night.

Now I wonder am I going to get banned for this????

I did not spawn this stuff it was already on me when i reconnected after i DC'd and i wanted to fly a chopper since it was very long time ago i saw one so i just wanted to test it out.

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Just a notice:

We regularily clean up non legit items.

Players found on MULTIPLE times will raise flags in our systems and may risk getting their playerIDs made defunct in DayZs database.

Players who stumble upon hacked items on off chance dont run risk of flagging. The ones at risk are those who repeatedly spawn items and are in possession of these items.

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you say:hacker put items on you invetory, wow, that is new...

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you say:hacker put items on you invetory' date=' wow, that is new...


Nah i've heard of such things a few times. It actually pretty amazing what the hackers can do on this game, seen one vid when a hacker even possessed someones character, stuck a chicken on his head and all sorts of mad shit.

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my first day on the game, a hacker gave me a silenced ACR ACOG. I didn't think anything of it, until he told me he hacked it in. I died shortly thereafter and didn't ask him for any more guns. I'm still playing, he's banned, and I'm not :D

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you say:hacker put items on you invetory' date=' wow, that is new...


watch this and say again this is impossible.

Yeah thats the vid i was on about.

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