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mercy (DayZ)

survival timer/counter

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Could u guys add a timer, that starts from zero upon spawn, counting your survival time.

Maybe add your personal best somewhere too.

Small detail but would be fun to watch.


This may allow titles as well...different title before name for each 24 hours char survives, first title taken after 24th hour.

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i dont see any harm in this, and i've often wondered myself how exactly i compare to the average lifetime in the mod.

it'd be cool if the average lifetime thing only started counting after 20 mins or so, that way guys new to the game who make simple mistakes wouldnt drive the average down hugely,and we'd have something more representative.

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lol, I was just about to suggest this. Basically an hour counter, every time you spawn instead of



Day 0

It becomes



Hour 14

It would be a nice touch, but definitely down the list of stuff to do, would be a great Beta release touch

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