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TO you evolution on UK 80

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twas a late evening with just enough light to see i joined the server to make a run for the barraks and get back south to rejoin my friends the next day... as i approached the airfield i hear the sounds of a gunfight. Sure enough as i crawl to the top of the hill and pull up the thermal on my l85 aws i see you running to a dead body silly boy scan before you loot... anyways i range you at 300 or so ajust and open fire you go down quickly as i reposition and scan for a good few minutes i decide based on the scoreboard that i wouldnt have trouble looting your 3 bodies. thanks for the nvgs and the gps from you and the dead guys around you. plus the DMR mags for my mates. Oh and btw i hid the bodies so you couldnt return and salvage anything oh is the life of a bandit

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