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Mass death of players - LU87

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Hello all.

Kind of new to this forum but I thought I should probably report this.

I was playing on LU87 - Hosted L200.se|Vilayer.com this morning, and at around 2:20AM GMT every single character on the server (about 20 players) were inexplicably killed. I have a feeling that this cant be a bug. My character was pretty old, pre-, but I didn't have outstanding loot apart from my trusty M1013 and a load of equipment and supplies. However some of these guys may have lost characters with hundreds of hours invested in them, so I felt I had to report it.

Unfortunately I was too gobsmacked at seeing the 'YOU ARE DEAD' splash suddenly appear as I'm walking through a forest to take a screenshot, but at the side of the screen it showed every player in the game had been killed.

I hope you guys find out what occurred and manage to stop it happening again, I can see how this could really ruin the fun for some people.

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its getting to the point that its no longer much fun to play. ive lost all my good gear AGAIN to a hacker.

I dont mind losing it in a fight, but I have not lost anything to anyone in a long time....ALWAYS hackers now kill me with insta deaths, and teleport scripts

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