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Commander Colt -GAR

Unusually low FPS and FPS Spikes (mainly downward spikes)

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed the unusually erratic FPS issues as of Updates 1.23-1.25 that have grown increasingly unstable as of late, can we get some feedback rolling in on this and hopefully have Bohemia get a hotfix out for this? We've been in need of some serious game optimization anyway (especially in terms of FPS and general stability), but this is a bit ridiculous... DayZ also needs at minimum a 120-144hz frame rate support update and the subsequent optimizations to reach these rates to begin with.. I normally run between 70-100fps average on most servers, both official and community, and standing at roughly 120 on the main menu on most as well, but as of late I've barely been able to surpass 50-60, that is if I'm lucky to even go ABOVE 50... Even after spending unnecessary lengths of time messing with my graphical/video settings!! I will happily take a huge run of stability and performance upgrades and optimizations in lieu of content right now...

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