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Terrian Procesor

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Hello Dayz team,

I would like to ask if it would be possible to share the [Terrain Processor] files for creating the electrical wiring that is in the game. It is quite difficult to figure out how to configure it correctly since I cannot find any information about this topic online.

Thank you in advance for your help and response.

Best regards, [KubeloLive]

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Maybe @merropa93 can help us with this and ask someone at DayZ team? Doing big high voltage powerlines is easy, but small ones is almost impossible.

Arma 3 users got some templates than can be used for their maps, why there isnt one for DayZ? And there is also no documentation for that.

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Hi, sure, I'll ask my colleagues and get back to you when I get some answers. 🙂

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  On 7/17/2024 at 12:16 PM, merropa93 said:

Hi, sure, I'll ask my colleagues and get back to you when I get some answers. 🙂

Any news? =))

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  On 7/23/2024 at 10:53 AM, Kuzyn. said:

Any news? =))

Yes, the data for generating electrical wiring will be shared with the community after the release of 1.26 update, which should be in autumn. 🙂

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  On 7/25/2024 at 8:37 AM, merropa93 said:

Так, дані для генерації електропроводки будуть передані спільноті після випуску оновлення 1.26, який має відбутися восени. 🙂

Hello dear, server DayZ EU - DE 1281 Online 6 days ago. The server suddenly shut down and is no longer working... other servers are working. Please deal with this ((( https://ibb.co/jzkFSkd

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  On 7/25/2024 at 8:37 AM, merropa93 said:

Yes, the data for generating electrical wiring will be shared with the community after the release of 1.26 update, which should be in autumn. 🙂

Thats a great news 🙂 kinda sad that we have to wait few more months but thats really useful addition. Thank you for checking this out.

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  On 7/16/2024 at 4:13 PM, Kuzyn. said:

Maybe @merropa93 can help us with this and ask someone at DayZ team? Doing big high voltage powerlines is easy, but small ones is almost impossible.

Arma 3 users got some templates than can be used for their maps, why there isnt one for DayZ? And there is also no documentation for that.

Hi, we just updated our GitHub with samples related to the powerlines. Here's the link https://github.com/BohemiaInteractive/DayZ-Misc/tree/master/Powerlines

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