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Out of Memory Error on Startup

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Hi guys,

When I start the game I get a black screen and an error popping up saying

"Out of Memory (requested - 1187353 KB) footprint 45588989802 KB)

I've tried reinstalling and validating the game files. My specs are above the recommended for the game to run so I don't know what is wrong.

I notice on task manager that the performance on my gpu/cpu is very high on my task manager which is strange.

Has anyone else had this issue?

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Had this when this game was on 1.3 version. It was gpu back then. Generally speaking this game needs more than its telling - especially in cpu&gpu&ssd departments.

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Oh I hope not, I thought my specs were certainly more then enough.

GPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600x 6 - Core Processor


RAM: 16GB Ram

Maybe it will just fix itself in the next few updates I hope 

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Yup - especially since your equipment is quite decent :). I had back then an old gtx with 2gbs of vram. The problem appeared along a small update that was forced through steam without any prior notice - been playing for years and one day it just stopped working. Official respond was: "~replace your gpu".

Check your hardware just to be on a safe side - maybe some malfunction occurred. Some tests would be nice.

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Sorry, I thought you were talking about DayZ SA.

Edited by Riddick_2K

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  On 5/31/2024 at 10:07 PM, nemorus said:

Yup - especially since your equipment is quite decent :). I had back then an old gtx with 2gbs of vram. The problem appeared along a small update that was forced through steam without any prior notice - been playing for years and one day it just stopped working. Official respond was: "~replace your gpu".

Check your hardware just to be on a safe side - maybe some malfunction occurred. Some tests would be nice.

I had a read through your old thread in 2019! It seems to be a common enough problem, others on Steam have the same. Did yours just fix itself eventually after the game was updated/patched? 🤔

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Out of memory was 'fixed' when gpu was replaced. But if you're asking about authloginstate error, then no. It still happens, albeit rarely. Seems like its something with steam. Since then i have replaced everything, including os and network.

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