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Sam Levin

Getting sick a ridiculous amount of times.

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First let me preface by saying i love this game, ALOT. its my favorite, surpassing even fallout new vegas which is something. However, in recent months bohemia has made some very bad changes to the DayZ game. Alot of things they have never fixed and dont seem to care to fix. over the last two days my toon has gotten sick from the stupid virus a total of 35 times. im not wet, cold, or hungry in each case. it is outrageous, absolute horse crap. why is it happening? Is it some kind of personal grudge or something on the part of marek spanel?  or one of its lead programmers, am i liking a candidate they don't like or what? Seriously whats the problem that my character gets sick so much and i have to go all over the map looking for meds. its a ridiculous bug and situation.  So fix it! we payed good money for the game. and its not like the game is new, its been around and most of its issues should be resolved but they almost seem to be trying to destroy the game, and the server numbers on livonia reflect the fact. In addition the game is plagued by counter strike script kiddie hackers on a daily basis, people who sit around watching porn all day then coding the other half. Seriously what is the matter with them? Maybe i killed kim jongs uns toon and he north korea hacked who knows. Whatever the case, the game is suffering and i hope the reforge doesn't have this issue. I know this is not normal so fix it!!!!!!

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Hi Sam, there were no changes made to sickness in the past months.
There are many ways how to get sick, not just by being wet and cold. I hope this will help.

What are the "a lot of things we never fixed or seem to care to fix" and what are the "very bad changes to DayZ game"?

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2 hours ago, Kyiara said:

What are the "a lot of things we never fixed or seem to care to fix"

The cheater problem maybe? I haven't ever seen you guys even talk about that publicly. Is discussing the cheater issues taboo here? The peak amount of information I've heard is BattlEye there, BattlEye that, but nothing about what the devs are doing/planning to do about this. The main issue is the fact that this game is easily exploitable in the first place, and BattlEye can't do ANYTHING about that. Reducing the exploitability of DayZ should be your main priority. If cheaters have a lot to gain by cheating, you won't stop them really.

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Actually... It can help, somewhat - but its quite hard when the game is not even using latest versions of it :).

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I'm seeing the same thing, i spawned in the other day, an with in about 2 minuet's Sick, it needs to be adjusted, i've also noticed that the orchards are super slow to spawn now

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