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The 3-digit code lock should be removed/replaced

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The issue with this lock is the fact that it only has 1000 combinations, which can be brute forced (opened by trying every combination possible) in a very short time. This makes it very insecure and not viable for locking bases. I'm thinking about either removing it completely and making more space for the 4-digit code lock, or replacing it with a 5-digit code lock. What do you guys think?

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It's time to throw those useless locks in the garbage and implement something similar to "Code Locks". All the fences are very easily destructible without much effort anyway... at least the lock be decent.
And remember that those padlocks are always "with one digit less", since if you set the first digit, you don't need to find the last one... just make a complete turn and it clicks on its own: therefore basically useless!

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