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danger of cherno and elektro

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why does everyone say you should stay away from the big cities? it's the only places where i could team up with some strangers. you meet guys with low grade weapons who want to survive. if i go north everyone shoots me on sight, since they already have the best grade weapons and only see me as a danger. the better the weapons the bigger the fear of losing them. besides that survivors in the nord often assume you have your inventory filled with hospital supplies. another reason to shoot me right in the face. my experience tells me to stay in elektro or cherno if you want to find a team. if you get shot it's not that bad anyways since you spawn at the coast again.

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why does everyone say you should stay away from the big cities? it's the only places where i could team up with some strangers. you meet guys with low grade weapons who want to survive. if i go north everyone shoots me on sight' date=' since they already have the best grade weapons and only see me as a danger. the better the weapons the bigger the fear of losing them. besides that survivors in the nord often assume you have your inventory filled with hospital supplies. another reason to shoot me right in the face. my experience tells me to stay in elektro or cherno if you want to find a team. if you get shot it's not that bad anyways since you spawn at the coast again.


I avoided Elektro and Cherno and the only survivor I've seen when I've headed north was my friend, and now he's traveling with me.

Probably just bad luck. Big cities are deathtraps, and that's where 70% of people get murdered.

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