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Ludovic MARTIN

Dayz Server on Linux

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Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my experience with the community and ask a question regarding loading multiple mods on a DayZ Standalone server under Arch Linux with Proton 9.0.

I managed to get my own DayZ Standalone server running under Arch Linux using Proton 9.0 (beta). To do this, I used the command sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576 to adjust some system configurations.

Furthermore, I have configured my server and can successfully connect to it. I also discovered a useful tool, DayZLauncher-UnixPatcher (https://github.com/valters-tomsons/DayZLauncher-UnixPatcher), which allowed me to improve the DayZ launcher to configure mods more easily.

However, I encountered an issue when adding multiple mods to the server via the Steam launch option (-mod=@...). Only the first mod on the list seems to load. I've tried different configurations, but I haven't been able to get multiple mods to work simultaneously.

Has anyone else encountered this issue or have suggestions on how to successfully load multiple mods on a DayZ Standalone server under Arch Linux with Proton 9.0?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

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Hello everyone,

I wanted to share my experience with the community and provide an update regarding loading multiple mods on a DayZ Standalone server under Arch Linux with Proton 9.0.

Initially, I encountered difficulties when attempting to add multiple mods to the server via the Steam launch option (-mod=@...). Despite trying different configurations, only the first mod on the list seemed to load.

However, I've found a solution using a script:


# Path to the game directory

# Path to the DayZ server executable file

# Proton version to use

# DayZ Standalone server parameters
SERVER_PARAMS="-config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=profiles -mod=@CF;@Community-Online-Tools"

# Proton configuration
PROTON_DIR="$HOME/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton $PROTON_VERSION"
export WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.proton"
export STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/mnt/sda3/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/223350"

# Launch the DayZ Standalone server with Proton
cd "$GAME_DIR"

This script allowed me to successfully load multiple mods simultaneously on my DayZ Standalone server. I placed it in my server directory and executed it, ensuring that all desired mods were listed in the SERVER_PARAMS variable.

I hope this solution proves helpful to others facing similar challenges. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Best regards,

Edited by Ludovic MARTIN

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