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Private Server Bugs and freeze on loading


Hello !!

Almost 2 months that I am fighting with my Nitrado server on XBOX serie X... Whatever I am doing on the configuration files (from NO change at all, to changes in XML files either to reduce or increase the loot and vehicles and events).

It seems that as soon as I dropped "too much" objects, and when I come close to some vehicles or close to some places with some loots inside, the game stucks... Suddenly I can't take or drop any object... all commands to interact with inventory are inoperant. The player can still move (and even be killed by zombies I can't see anymore !!!! but just can see that my life is suddenly decreasing).

When this happens, I quit the game and restart... sometimes it works (with restart of the server also)... but sometimes it is impossible to restart the game and the screen freeze at the end of the loading phase. When this happens, whatever I do it is useless... Restart server, reset xml files (but i insist that the problem even appear without any modification on the xml files !! it just takes longer !), restart XBOX, reboot internet box...

After many many complaints to NItrado, they didn't succeed to solve the problem... but I want to share some strange things there:

- When I try to reinstall the server, sometimes I still have the inoperant player with its equipement at the last place I was before resinstalling - re install works ? I am not sure !

- I found that by changing game on the server and come back to Dayz allowed to restart really from scratch (?)... I still have some doubts about that but at least I can restart playing

- I tried to play with package of xml modified files shared in internet - Good reference it seems - but exactly same result.

I tried to play on other servers... that's strange that I had exactly the same problem on some and no problem at all on some others... As far as I understood only Nitrado is able to provide servers on XBOX ? So what could be the difference there and if anyone has any idea I really would appreciate ! I bought the game... I bought a server (in UK)... for... nothing ?

Thanks for any idea...











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