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About Multiplay to Nitrado Official Server Switchover

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In reference to the main post below in regards to the official server switchover.


Within that post, there is a list of the newer Nitrado servers, I presumably assume are meant for existing survivors to move into, ie transfer our character's items.

For example, DayZ US - LA 8910, DayZ US - LA 8913, DayZ US - LA 8901, DayZ US - LA 8895 (1st Person Only), DayZ US - NY 9024, DayZ US - NY 9027, DayZ US - NY 9030, DayZ US - NY 8319 (1st Person Only)

However, I do not see any Servers with those names mentioned above, as per the official post in regards to the Multiplay to Nitrado transfer, within the server launch app. I play steam/pc. Nor am I seeing any name changes to Multiplay servers as being "temporary".

Is this announcement premature, has this not gone into effect yet? I do not want to lose my characters items, by logging into a server not listed in the main posts directory, hence I am still in the Multiplay servers. Is there something I am missing here?

The intent makes sense, announcement as to the method of transfer is unclear. Perhaps this is a timing issue, as not everything is set up exactly as per the official server changes announcement?

I would like to transfer my character's items properly, to the correct official servers on the correct Nitrado hive, for my region. In this case, it being U.S.

Any clarification would be appreciated. Thank you.


Edited by Mirazh_Dragon

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Having the exact same issue regarding this topic. The only diference is my region, in my case it's EU.

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So I am a relatively new player but Bohemia seems to suck big time on answering community questions, I like the game but overall the customer experience is very lackluster.


I would also like some clarification regarding this server change as I also play for the time being on official servers, although I probably shouldn't. Starting to see that it is not the developers who are making this game great but the community behind it and Bohemia should learn at least to communicate properly, bare minimum.

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Indeed, it does seem a bit disconcerting about lack of follow up over questions.

The only thing I can deduce from this switchover, is to gather all items you want onto your character, log out like you normally would from the Multiplay host, before the 29th, and wait.

Wait for the official servers, ie: New Nitrado servers in that list, to launch. Refresh server lists and add to favorites. Log in with existing character there. 

Now whether or not that means one will have to make the long haul back to their favorite area/s on the map on the new server or already at that place, is unclear to me.

Mostly because of the statement when it's said that: "Remaining on Multiplay servers will result in your character being moved inland, similar to changing servers."

To me that suggests that if using the old Multiplay favorite, after the new ones have launched, is exactly what will happen. So avoid using the Multiplay favorites after the 29th.

Probably some backend ip routing to the newer Nitrado servers that results being moved inland, after the 29th. Keep in mind this is all speculation, as I'm only guessing.

I've networking experience and am a really old school gamer/server admin/league player from back in the early/mid 2000's.

Without any other info to go with, I'm just going to gather my things, log off the Multiplay servers before the 29th and wait.

Wait for the new servers to launch. And wait for the mad rush from all other players to pass.

As I am not certain where I'll spawn once logging into the new Nitrado servers.

Either my original position, with my gear, which in theory, should be the case. Otherwise, why differentiate, make a point about being moved further inland if not logging into the new Nitrado servers after the 29th.

If that's not the case, and I am further inland, logging in directly onto the Nitrado servers, that's a bit deceptive. Anyhow, let it calm down, see how numbers look, monitor server loads, latency, performance, ping etc.

And pick the server that appears most appealing. Whenever those new Nitrado servers show themselves that is.

I could be completely off the mark, yet this is the best explanation I can come by, from my own life experience and deductive reasoning by what I've read thus far.


- Mirazh



Edited by Mirazh_Dragon

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