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Tons of ERROR messages from server .RPT-file

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Hello all!

I wonder if anyone can help me. After the new update, I wiped my server (rented), as I always do. And now the admin-file .RPT is FILLED with messages like:

[CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [13] is hard to place, performance drops: 

And I don't know why, or how to fix it? This text fills my file so it is really hard to search for players that missbehave. (I use it as a admin-thing).
I have taken away a few loot-items, and lowerd the "nominal" on many things, but that did not help....

I run a server with NAMALSK, and have very few mods - VppAdminTool - CF - Codelock - ZenNotes

If anyone have solutions or any help to fix this, I would be greatful!

Thanks in advance!

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