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Remnant OverPoch [EU] | Arma 2 OverPoch Style

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Immerse yourself in a realistic and apocalyptic experience on Remnant OverPoch, a European DayZ server on PC. Our server has various features that bring the game to life! 

OverPoch is set in a future time after the Great Infection. Humanity is slowly returning to the wasteland, industrious survivors have begun to join together in small groups and rebuild society.
Merchants have started to pop up to do business with survivors who collect goods from the wasted remnants of civilization. Wholesalers have landed, offering imported goods to aid the rebuilding effort.
All is not safe however some vestiges of infection still remain and rogue bandits still roam the countryside preying on unsuspecting survivors.
Survive, explore, build wealth, make your way through the harsh environment and assist in the effort to rebuild, or burn it all down its your choice, live in the Epoch.

• Influence from Arma 2: DayZ Epoch/Overwatch.
• A unique first/third person perspective where you can only switch to third-person when you don't have a weapon in hand.
• Custom and hidden military bases scattered across the map.
• Persistent time, where you'll play through different seasons and have to adapt your clothing accordingly.
• Traders with balanced prices. 
• A variety of aircrafts available for purchase from the aircraft trader.
• Blood test kits to check for diseases and conditions.
• Bandit AI will dynamically spawn, always be on your guard!
• You can only raid bases from Friday 18:00 until Sunday 18:00 (CET). 

There is more features find out yourself by joining our Discord Server: 
Discord Server Link

How to join our DayZ Server
If you want to join our server, download the DZSALauncher: https://dayzsalauncher.com/
Once you have it downloaded open it and type "Remnant OverPoch"
in the "Filters" bar
The server will show up in the server list.
Press on the play button.
Wait for the mods to download.
And then press on the Play button again.

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