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Idea for more realistic base locking system?

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It never sat well with me that your character can die, and then a brand new character, seemingly just entering Chernaurus from the coast, can go to your base, and know the combination lock. 

I think this is against the spirit of the game. Yes, base building and persistence is a  part of the game, but a new character somehow knowing the code set by a dead character whom they have never met doesn't make sense in a game this realistic, and is immersion breaking. 

My idea is that instead of inputting a code, your character inherently knows the combination once the attach it to a gate, and can teach it to other players by handing them the code-lock. 

This way if your character dies, if they have taught the code to another player, then the information is retained, and they can teach it to your new character by in turn handing them the lock, otherwise, you will have to break into the base. 


(Sorry this belongs in suggestions not general)

Edited by cmcaleer
Should have put in suggestions not general
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