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Glowstick wall glitch

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I was made aware of this the other day and tested it on my own base. Seemed to only be able to glitch through one wall at a time so I double walled everything.

Had some Russian server hopper get in with 8 IEDs and just dismantle ovens, flagpole and just destroy everything for fun.

Today I woke up to a new combo lock on a gate I don't lock then a couple of guys again glitch in, grab stuff then dismantle walls and drive off in a humvee.

Someone said they use the glowstick exploit to get under the map then when they leave and rejoin it puts them back on top of wherever they where. Luckily my main stash is on a fourth floor so Nobodies been able to get to it.


I'm not wanting to know how to do the exploit, I care little for cheating but I'd like to know how it works exactly so I can defend against it.



  • Beans 1

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are you on official or community servers?


if build anywhere is active, i would build a platform behind all walls, then build another wall snug against it with barbed wire on top and bottom. think of it like an Ark trap, but for cheaters.

they would crawl under, and get trapped in the barbed wire. hopefully they will bleed to death like the pig they are!

cant do much for gates, unless you want to build a barb wire trap that you must take down manually anytime you want to leave. it would be good for overnight security.

ive heard this works, but have not been able to implement and test it myself.

best of luck, fellow friend.

Edited by FullBoddyYawn

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