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Odd coding change since last update

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This is more of a rant then anything but found this a bit annoying. 


Since the last update heavy attack no longer works for me like it previously did. I remapped the run button to my mouse (MB4) and walk to Shift. Before this update I was able to do heavy melee attacks by pressing MB4+RMB+LMB but for some reason now I can ONLY do heavies by pressing Shift+RMB+LMB, despite run not being mapped to Shift.


It probably wasn't intentional and just some wierd coding issue but it's a tad annoying to try and undo 1000 hours of muscle memory. Not a huge deal but just annoying is all.


And yes I know I'm a wierdo for not having run as Shift since I think every game ever made has that default mapping. But I'm (relatively) new to M+KB and that input just felt super awkward to me so... *shrug*.

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