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Problems logging into servers/desync on xbox

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I am having issues logging into servers on the Xbox series X. I was able to log in and play last night with no issues, but today I get the frozen character screen after the loading countdown.if I am able to get into a server, I cannot interact with anything. I am not able to open doors, use inventory, or pick anything up. I had a fully geared character get wiped because of this. 

I have tried deleting and reinstalling the game several times, deleting save files from both the console and cloud, resetting the mac address and rebooting my modem. 

I have tried almost everything I can think of, I've even called my ISP to see if there is something with the modem. My console works fine with other online games.

This is the second time I've had this problem. The last time, I did the above steps many times, and then it just started working. I'm at my wits end with this. The last time I emailed Bohemia the only solution they offered was resetting the mac address. That does not work for me. 

Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated! 

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I have also been having the same issues that you stated I have tried everything there is to try with no luck as a matter of fact the problem is getting even worse for me it started about 3 weeks ago I got back on after a while away to play with the boys I played for 2 days absolutely fine 3rd day I went to log in to get stuck on a frozen loading screen the one we're it showed your guy standing there but it's all blurry and it sits there forever I reset my Xbox and day z over 20 times before caving and calling my internet the reset everything on there end and I was finally able to connect only for about 2 more days and then it came back went threw all the same crap for it work again for about a day and  problem came back so I caved and bought a series s downloaded day z played for a week with no pro and now I can't play at all not a single server will let me load in the game crashes over and over I have deleted and redownload I have reset my internet called my internet I even tried my neighbors internet I have had zero luck now all I get when I load up day z is the server lost I click nothing happens I just sit at that screen when I back out it glitches and freezes or crashes this is very odd and I just don't know what to do besides give up this is garbage 

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Had this issue the last few days. Got my series X last week, was so excited to play DayZ on it and it either won’t log me in (blurry loading screen) or it’ll log me in but I’ll be permanently desynced. Did you get a fix for it? Feel like I’ve tried everything

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Same problem as well i try loading into servers and it loads like %25 then just stops and stays on a blurry screen showing my character in the backround, i think its because i have at&t internet air and when i switched to hotspot on my phone it worked perfectly fine, but now today it wont even load up the community servers at all just says unable to get servers in bottom right.

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Did you ever resolve this issue as I’m having the exact same problem.

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Same problem here... 2024/08/08
Are any Devs on that or just ignoring? 


Edited by MokkaKaiser

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Has there been a fix for this yet? As just got a Xbox x and getting the same problem I like the game but I'm  beginning to get feed of it.



Edited by sirich50

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I'm on Xbox and also have this problem all the time.I've done everything, I mean everything.The only way to get rid of this problem is to wipe the server. This only works for a short period before the problem occurs. What's the point of playing, because you can only get so far, and then it messes up You always have the same problem and can't pick anything. The zombies are stuck in one place or the zombies are invisible, then they hit you. When your hit, you can't apply anything to fix yourself when bleeding, because you can't put anything in your hands. I have a video of the program not working. I might upload it onto the platform, to show everyone how broken it really is. I shouldn't have to wipe the server to get the program to work again. I love dayz, it is one of my favourite games. There is nothing like it. It gives so much fun.  I thought the new map would fix the issue, but no, there is the same old, same old. Can you just fix it, or tell us how to fix it, and I will do it myself. You need to stop adding further things, and fix the issue. This has become a real joke in 2024, nearly 2025. Just give us some sort of answers. I'm paying for a service I can't use, FIX IT, like now!!!

Edited by Reap96

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