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Stalker z Czarnobyla

New weapon: Pepesha

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Well, the title speaks for itself, but to clarify:

PPSH-41 would be a solid weapon of choice, if we assume, that there were either communist or anti-communist partisans in Chernarus. I see it happening, that civilians would have some Pepeshas hidden away due to their past.

Fed from either stick or drum magazines would have shred armored players similarly like assault rifles, however due to its lack of range, staggering firerate and ammo not that common it would probably be ditched in favour of other military goodies.

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It would be a great addition and it would make sense lore-wise, but it would require new ammo, 7.62x25. They would also need to add one or two more guns that use that cartridge. One contender could be TT-33 but that's about it really. There's few SMGs throughout history that used 7.62 Tokarev but they are all basically similar in nature so not much point in adding them.

It might be better for them to look at .380, 9mm and .45 options to expand the civilian/police loot some more. There's many great options available for those rounds.

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