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PC | US | TCL RP Chiemsee | NO KOS | discord.gg/thecrazylounge

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| https://discord.gg/thecrazylounge |


Server Name:

TCL RP Chiemsee | NO KOS | discord.gg/thecrazylounge





-No whitelist needed.

-Rules to promote a more fulfilling DayZ experience.

-Weekly lore events.

-Instant build flagpoles.

-Custom armbands and flags for your group.

-In-game prefab base building in exchange for in-game resources.

-Human meat is now indistinguishable from bear, pig, or deer.

-You will need to sleep.

-A wide variety of modded emotes.

-Quads and motorcycles.


This community is open to diverse hosting and will be open to additional game server suggestions. We are looking for developers, coders, staff, and anyone interested in joining a freshly rebooted community. Our current staff has 40+ years of IT and hosting experience.

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