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PC | US | TCL RP Chiemsee | NO KOS | discord.gg/thecrazylounge

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| https://discord.gg/thecrazylounge |

Server Name:

TCL RP Chiemsee | NO KOS | discord.gg/thecrazylounge



We are live! Day 2. This server will be a non-whitelisted server to encourage new players and veterans to give a roleplay environment a try. If we can grow the community we will move to a whitelist later. Our dedicated machine is equipped with a Ryzen 9 7900X processor, 128 GB of RAM, and 8TB of space for our hosting needs.

This community is open to diverse hosting and will be open for additional game server suggestions. We are looking for developers, coders, staff, and anyone interested in joining a freshly rebooted community. Our current staff has 40+ years of IT and hosting experience.

I'm just another neckbeard man-child with a passion for gaming who's tired of running other communities, it's time for something new, check out the Crazy Lounge.

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