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BSOD After Exiting Dayz

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Hello, just looking for some help here - I'm having an issue when I exit Dayz that my PC BSOD nearly every time. It only happens after exiting the game and it usually is within 30 seconds. It' doesn't happen with other games and my temps are all fine. This is a brand new PC build and only happens with Dayz. I don't think its RAM, GPU, or CPU based on the temps and its weird how it only happens on exiting. I've tried verifying data integrity but it still happens. I'm using the DZSALauncher. All GPU drivers/BIOS/Windows are up to date. The BSOD is Critical Process Died BSOD and after analyzing the dump file I'm seeing its affecting the csrss.exe. Anyone have any ideas? I can't seem to find any info on this other then posts from 9 years ago with a few similar issues but no resolutions.

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