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A few questions regarding owning a server.

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Hi everyone, a few weeks ago I was hooked on DayZ and currently the server I am playing on is getting very inactive, as well as I can't find any cars or helicopters.

I am now looking into renting a server from HFB servers, but a few questions that I am confused about after reading the sticky post:

Once I buy my server, will I have to register it by sending a email to the DayZ team? Or is my server ready for DayZ once I buy the server?

I really just want around a 32 player server for DayZ, but I heard I must be 40+, is that true?

Those two questions are the only questions for now, I may add some more in a moment.

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40 person minimum

Slot server ready to go at start up. They get your instance ID for you.

Not sure how they do dedicated boxes if that's what you're after.

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You have to E-mail or contact the Devs to get on the whitelist. We at Adrenaline Gaming use Nfoservers.com

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Don't waste your time/money. Running your "own" server does not benefit you in any way. "Supporting" the mod will not even get you a pat on the back, let let give you a slot in your own server (just people bitching about admin abuse). Find someone else's and play on that. Yes I used to run my own server. No it wasn't blacklisted nor was I on the receiving end of abuse accusations. I just got sick of seeing endless, ungrateful posts from players and devs alike toward people that put in their OWN money to provide a place for others to play for free. Once/if the community moves out of the police state it currently exists in, I'll host again.

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