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The hate for dogs is really weird to me. I can totally understand that you'd be worried that the AI for them is broken and there’s a good chance this may be the case. It seems to me the people complaining are the vocal minority, who exclusively use this mod to PVP (although I could be grossly generalising here – it’s just the impression I get.)

If dogs are implemented and implemented well, then it will be awesome. The way it sounds is that dogs will be very rare, hard to quire and not provide a game changing benefit over people who don’t have one. In the best case scenario where it all works well, it adds an amazing layer to the game where the players have a chance to create a real bond and not only value their own lives, but something else’s too. That doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me and if it doesn’t work, it will be cut. I was under the impression that this mod was made for this type of experiment?

As for people complaining there’s a slew of other features that need fixing/implementing/sorting first, I’d be inclined to agree with you, if this was a proper game and you paid even a single penny for it. As it is this Mod has cost you absolutely nothing and as such you don’t really have any stand on what direction it goes in. It may sound harsh but that’s the cold hard case and that Rocket is listening to people in the first place shows how much he cares about this mod and its community, so you should be pretty thankful for that.

Sorry for such a long post but that’s just my opinion on the subject.

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I can see upsides and downsides, I know that if you dont feed or give water to your dog is will die, if your dog takes damage you have to use your own medical supplys on your dog, tho I dont see how it will benefit the player much as in what can it be used for....

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I think the idea of dogs is great, but will not be without its pros and cons.

As a companion I think its abilities need to be limited. Tracking sounds like a really good idea, but we also have to consider if you follow a trail it could be leading you to a trap. Also having an animal tagging along means your a bigger target. I think maybe a simple alert could be used, maybe a growl for a threat, bark for loot. Then take in to consideration a dogs bark will alert people to your presence. Then of course there's the mess it could leave on your safe room floor, and bringing back that flare your threw lighting you up like some kind of neon zombie snack.

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Dogs have helped men hunt for many, many years. Why would it stop because of a zombie infestation? You do realize this is supposed to be realistic, right? Dogs can be trained to do just about anything. There is nothing unrealistic about that. If you don't want to use a dog, you don't have to.

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As has been mentioned, I'm not going to make a preemptive decision on the upcoming Dogs without having tried it out. I like the possibilities that have been discussed, and look forward to having a little canine companion for a while, just to see how it fares :p

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No need for this post anymore, thanks MOD.

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My weigh in is I dislike the idea entirely and feel like it would alter the game's "being alone and counting on yourself" aspect. Sheer terror gives weigh to "a little scared" because Fido hears the zombie you would have otherwise stumbled upon. Yes, we don't know what he'll be able to do, but I think we can theorize just fine.

TL;DR Dogs are bad. Bug fixes good.

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I Simply don't want to shoot at dogs, So I dislike. But whatever he adds is his choice lol.

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How about, dogs only attach themselves to groups of 3 or more people..

To get that dog, you could maybe have a group togetherness score, the longer they have been a group the more of a bind they have. Dogs surely would go instinctively to a pack..

This could lead to a group humanity score, if it keeps above a certain level, then the dog will stay, obey orders etc..

If, say your group humanity drops way into bandit levels then the dog feels insecure, doesn't obey all the time, can leave at any moment or could attack one of the group..

Obviously can be fleshed out more..

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Im all for experimentation but really; dogs? I mean' date=' there is so much to improve and introduce in the game that is far more important in my opinion. Things such as;

Better zombie behavior



More open buildings

Economy, Trading


Bandit/survivor reputation/humanity system fixes.

Unshared map text and translated city names


More weapons

More vehicules

More items

Loot balance, new starter loot, possibility to choose your starting kit

Stability improvement

All around fixes


Exe file/auto updater for easier installation

etc etc etc...

Or even, dare I say, an entirely new map.

That being said; Im really not a fan of AI allies because they really suck most of the time. But if said dog can track other survivors, well its very cool and all, but is it that necessary compared to all the cool things we could have.

Anyway, we shall see... maybe it will be awesome even if I doubt I use that feature.


Agree that many of these are priority. Also though would be interesting to see dogs implemented into the game. Used for their heightened senses. Wouldn't want them to be attack zombies though. Attack bandits yes. Survivors no.

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On topic, constructive replies. That's the rules. Take the play ground sissy fights somewhere else (off these forums). See those little "EMAIL" and "PM" buttons? Use them if you must.

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We already have dogs that have been used in Chernarus Apocalypse Mission #2 (player plays as the dog) and we have the EOD mod with the bomb sniffer dog.

Dogs are already well tested by the community (the real one that makes shit). Seems to me like this would be much easier to implement and Rocket could ask for help/tips from previous modders to get it to work.

Which sounds more promising than say............... "crafting" which to my knowledge hasn't been done.

Dogs have worked before, and worked well, I'm sure we'll have like 3 per server that spawn at any given time thus making this idea of having dogs everywhere highly unlikely. I doubt Rocket would do something like that since you know, he genuinely cares about this.

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I came in here to say this idea is shit, but thinking it over it does kinda sound cool if there were only a few per server. Spawned in random locations. And if they can carry stuff that would be great for those who choose to play as a loner. I hate not having enough room for things. I was in a village yesterday with 2(!) cars and not enough room to carry the parts. I couldn't drop ammo or food stuffs. So I was just stuck there looking at them and thinking of ways (without grouping) to get the job done. In the end I couldn't come up with anything. I can't trust if I leave something somewhere (in a tent, by a tree, etc) that it'll be saved there for when I come back to it. So yeah, keep them few and far between and I'm down. Too many and well meh..that would be eh...not a good thing imo. We'll see what happens I guess. (..yes if it benefits me I like it, if not? Then fuck it! :P)

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If every player gets one at the spawn, i'm against it. If you have to find one, then it won't matter to me, cause I'd need to have a dog to find a dog first -> I am so crappy at finding special stuff in this game ^^

On a sidenote: If that dog has too big awareness radius, it would be too overpowered in the hands of bandits, cause right now my best chance of surviving, since i barely get higher geared weapons, is sneaking and if that dog can find me proning in a bush, waiting that the hostile player moves away, I'm pretty much fucked all the time

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Dogs sound awesome, I'm just worried about god damned bandits shooting my poor pooch ;.;

Never. Absolutely never shot a man's dog

Never shoot a man's dog or he will hunt you to the end of the map and beyond. He will hunt you to the flat lands where there is nowhere to hide if he has to. He. Will. Avenge that dog.

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I came in here to say this idea is shit' date=' but thinking it over it does kinda sound cool if there were only a few per server. Spawned in random locations. And if they can carry stuff that would be great for those who choose to play as a loner. I hate not having enough room for things. I was in a village yesterday with 2(!) cars and not enough room to carry the parts. I couldn't drop ammo or food stuffs. So I was just stuck there looking at them and thinking of ways (without grouping) to get the job done. In the end I couldn't come up with anything. I can't trust if I leave something somewhere (in a tent, by a tree, etc) that it'll be saved there for when I come back to it. So yeah, keep them few and far between and I'm down. Too many and well meh..that would be eh...not a good thing imo. We'll see what happens I guess. (..yes if it benefits me I like it, if not? Then fuck it! :P)


you need a packmule, not a dog ^^

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So not many constructive replies here, huh ? The thread is a little bit old, but I'll try to give some ideas and features concerning dogs. I'll edit the post if I find other ideas.

How would you acquire a dog ? :

- wounded dogs spawn around the map (like maybe 3 to 6 at any given time). The poor thing would bark and cry, like a real wounded dog would. You can choose to kill and gut him, would give 2 raw meat. Or bandage him and having him follow you around.

- having groups of feral dogs roaming around chernarus like it would be the case in real life. They would be hostile, attacking you as you approach. If you manage to kill them all but one, the last one will take you as he's new leader. (this idea would be harder to code I guess)

Dogs behaviour :

- Afraid of zeds : would "cry" (dont know the exact english term ^^) as you approach zeds. Would manage to follow you by avoiding zeds, so they won't agro every zed you come across.

- Hostile only when you are being attacked : In a pvp firefight, the dog will attack your ennemy as soon as you are being fired at. If you agro zeds, the dog will target the nearest zed.

- Tracking other players : have the dog to sniff another players presence, and lead you to him. The downside of this is : by barking to alert you, the dog could also as well reveal your presence.

- Give the dog commands. "Stay here", "Attack target", maybe "STFU" if he begins to bark lol

Dogs balancing and combat ideas :

- Dogs have low health. They can take a little damage, but then they will be in a wounded state, and you will have to bandage him so that he can follow you again.

- Dogs run as fast as zeds. A desperate or hungry dog will be a massive threat if you miss it. Basically, a single bite should give you bloodloss and have a chance to break your legs. So yeah, you don't want to miss it :)

- And like I said, every dog give you 2 raw meat if you gut it, so the choice is up to you :)

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