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ORiGiN Machinima

Dynamic Helicopter Crashes!

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Ok so this is merely a spontaneous off the top of my head suggestion that I had this morning when i got up, and it has been brewing ever since! I hope it is well received although you are all, of course, entitled to your opinions!

So here it is.

Helicopter crash sites are littered across chernarus, we've mostly all seen them by now - Downed heli, zombies, beans. It is one of many things that could quite easily be spruced up and given more awesomeness and atmosphere with randomisation and scripts.

Why not have helicopters ( rarely, very rarely!) fly low over chernarus, low on fuel, damaged and just ripe for crashing. Upon nearing a predefined crash location ( after flying over some towns and such to grab survivors attention) it will go down, and taa daa, heli crash site as usual ( with some touch ups such as bodies in the cockpit etc). Normal loot, usual large zombie group you know the deal.

So, i hear you ask, what IS different and dynamic about this? what is the point?

Well lets deal with the attraction factor first. You see the helicopter limping over that ridge, and you hear the explosion, you see the smoke belows rise. Your curiosity is immediately hit, you're drawn to the helicopter, you must investigate!

But, whats this? Bandits and survivors alike who also spotted it, all running to the site for the goodies? Instant immersion, adreneline, and possibly a PvP bonanza.


I believe this would add a new layer of authenticity ( I know your all about authenticity Rocket!) and a really potentially fun aspect to the game, even for those decked out bandits!

But to sum up;

* Random helicopter crashes in addition to the current static sites.

* Same loot, same zeds.

* More fun!

* Better immersion.

Thanks for reading and sorry for gaps/typos and poor structure ( i'm nearly sleeping and on a phone haha)

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That is true, but not game breakingly better.

Perhaps increased chance of a rare weapon (m107 and such) Or increased ammo drops?

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Okay, I like this idea, there's already a thread which can be found here, it describes the idea pretty well and I suggest you implement some of his information into your post to make it a more compelling argument as neither are really fully explained, although your point is obvious I think you should pitch it at a more professional standard.

Overall +1.

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When I am back from holiday and have my PC I will certainly update this post.

Thanks for the vote and the link, I wasn't aware someone had already posted something similar!

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Sounds fun to me

Though it'll turn in to people camping around the area, and just sniping people who go up to it

If it's a dynamic crash, as in it happens right then and there, than there needs to be a LOT more zombies near the crash.

I'm talking in the range of 50 or more. I mean if you are able to hear it, than that zombie with the super-hearing at the closest town heard it too and is now running to that crash.

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Though it'll turn in to people camping around the area' date=' and just sniping people who go up to it

If it's a dynamic crash, as in it happens right then and there, than there needs to be a LOT more zombies near the crash.

I'm talking in the range of 50 or more. I mean if you are able to hear it, than that zombie with the super-hearing at the closest town heard it too and is now running to that crash.


To deal with campers would be very easy, if you mean they are camping on a known crash site that is. The solution? Randomisation. Harder to do, and more time consuming - but even a mock form of randomisation such as using already implemented triggers and completion radii would allow for no location to ever be used twice. ( Well atleast not for weeks, or even months. )

As for your second point, why should there be more zombies? It is already challenging to clear a crash site ( on your own and even in pairs ) so adding MORE zombies just because it has flown about for a bit then crashed, is not needed. Since it would most likely crash in a rural area, just like the current crash sites! (Nor would it be popular i assume.) However I do understand exactly where you are coming from but I must stress this would cause problems for the majority of the player base who are still lone wolves.

Devs would need to sort a way to allow the helicopter to be "unheard" by the zeds where the helicopter is flying over ( Or maybe they could chase it until it is out of hearing range ? for better immersion. )

Thanks for your critique and support of this idea.

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i like it a lot but i have a question

you said these random ones and the static ones so are you suggesting the helicopter we see crash will spawn after the crash or will it merely be a way of leading multiple people to crash sites that have already spawned.

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i like it a lot but i have a question

you said these random ones and the static ones so are you suggesting the helicopter we see crash will spawn after the crash or will it merely be a way of leading multiple people to crash sites that have already spawned.

I'm not sure you understand...the helicopter that leads you will crash and spawn the loot, but there will also be the normal ones that haven't been flown in.

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