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Better Base Building

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With the recent 1.23 update's group spawning system I've noticed that random players are grouping up far more frequently than ever before. On almost every official server, and some community servers as well, I'm seeing bigger groups inland, as well as more and bigger bases in certain areas. It's causing clan like behavior with complex interactions between groups, and personally I love how it's turning out.

That said, these clans obviously need a place to stay, regroup, relax, and store loot. So they make themselves one, however with the current build system, they are pretty limited. It very finicky at the moment, and would be nice if you could do more.

Now, yes, technically you can make a whole house using the towers, fence, and gate from scratch, but the system really is just sub-par to what it could be. Personally, I like how for the most part players fortify and expand onto existing buildings as well.

Overall I just think with more clans arising in every server with the group spawning and base building becoming more present than ever, it would be cool to have a more refined system. Not necessarily easier, but just something that gives you more options.

I do also understand that there's a base building mod on some community servers, but again, with the group spawning and many groups with bases now, it would be a nice follow up update to standardized, in my opinion.

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