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DayZ 2.0 - A experienced players suggested revisions

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Let me start by saying that this mod is probably one of the most exciting, addicting, completely awesome gaming experiences I have had in a LONG time. This is the only game I have ever played (other than EVE) that actually gives a legitimate adrenaline rush in combat.

That being said, as this is a Alpha/Beta build, there are some core mechanics changes that I think would make this mod shine even more than it already does. Here are my thoughts:

- Currently, the day/night cycle in DayZ is pointless. Most of the time when a server hits night people simply disconnect and join a different server that is day. This is fine, however the problem lies with players who would like to play at night and experience more night time content.

Change the day/night cycle to 4 hour intervals by default on every server. What will this do? It will add tension for exploring traveling, it will actually add some usefulness to items like flashlights, chem lights and NVGs, and it will provide a other level of PvP and zombie killing awesomeness. Making the moon brighter would probably be necessary for this however, because as it is it is too dark to play at night and is why most player tend not to like it.

- Zombies are far too predictable. Now I do not believe the issue lies with their difficulty on a individual basis...zombies deal a good amount of damage and the status effects they inflict are irritating, if not fatal. They provide an important dynamic to the game that is extremely vital overall.

However, their spawns and behavior as I said are far too predictable. I suggest roaming zombie groups that roam the map in random directions (walking dead highway scene anyone?). This will provide another unknown and unpredictable dynamic that will keep all players, including experience veterans on their toes.

Also, the infinite zombie chasing is simply annoying and not intuitive. Zombies chasing you infinitely across the map adds nothing to DayZ gameplay other than irritation. I recommend capping zombie chasing limits.

- More enemies. I propose at least one new type of enemy, if not more. Personally I believe a dog zombies would be most appropriate. Maybe a faster movement speed and additional damage? Making them much more threatening and harder to shoot than normal zombies. Possibly wild bears in the forest? I am not sure exactly what files you guys have to work with on the Arma 2 engine but these are just suggestions.

- Body armor! I think adding body armor that only provides protection against bullets/ranged weapons (not zombies/axes/crow bars) would be beneficial to PvP combat in DayZ. I would say make it as rare as the gillie suit if not more.

- Reduce map and/or increase server limit. Currently player interaction, especially West/East of the coast is extremely limited, even with a full 50 player server. I recommend either completely removing the East side of the map if the servers cannot support more players, or increasing the player limit to 100 and adding more high value military spawn points (ala NW Air Field) to the far West (Zelengorst) and far East (Berezino) part of the map to spread out high level PvP action.


These are my suggestion for this already wonderful mod after putting many, many hours into it over these past couple of weeks. Out of all these changes however I believe that the day/night cycle is the MOST IMPORTANT as it will effectively add twice the unique experiences had in Chenarus.

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