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Anth (DayZ)

Cheater caught and killed plus video evidence

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UK 1 Fifty slot not the thirty two slot server

20:36 UK time zone

Caught the guy spawning an ammo box getting his gear then blowing it up check the video for evidence.

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Haha robbing people on the road turned out better than we thought shame I wasn't here when this happened... Someone else just spawned a box on that server to.

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Nice one no wonder they cheat getting owned so much ;).

But still its very annoying how easy people are doing this.

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We found two ammo boxes in the same area. The first time this guy with a ghille suit started accusing me of spawning it :S... He was there when I arrived. but he logged out I think so me and my friend went to the firestation and heard .50 cal shots again and got lucky XD More evidence :P

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Looks like the RR Clan is a bunch of cheaters guess they need a new clan tag now rofl

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