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I'm bloody done with this deathmatch game

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Try taking a look at the Survivor HQ thread. People post looking for folks to join up with.

Group play takes this game to an even greater level.

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Alive Characters: 343' date='102

Survival Attempts: 10,174,596

Murders: 1,554,315

Bandits Alive: 63,383

Bandits killed: 267,964

Figured I would cut the bullshit and just link the stats, is there any evidence you can suggest otherwise that this is a 'deathmatch'?

You are a moron, plain and simple.


How many of those Survival Attempts are from people clicking the respawn button immediately because they didn't like where it spawned them in the first place?

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Alive Characters: 343' date='102

Survival Attempts: 10,174,596

Murders: 1,554,315

Bandits Alive: 63,383

Bandits killed: 267,964

Figured I would cut the bullshit and just link the stats, is there any evidence you can suggest otherwise that this is a 'deathmatch'?

You are a moron, plain and simple.


considering how difficult it is to survive vs zeds from a fresh start. 15% of all deaths being murders is NOT a good statistic.

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Alive Characters: 343' date='102

Survival Attempts: 10,174,596

Murders: 1,554,315

Bandits Alive: 63,383

Bandits killed: 267,964

Figured I would cut the bullshit and just link the stats, is there any evidence you can suggest otherwise that this is a 'deathmatch'?

You are a moron, plain and simple.


How many of those Survival Attempts are from people clicking the respawn button immediately because they didn't like where it spawned them in the first place?

As its been stated a hundred fucking times, they aren't counted in the stats.

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Try to survive by not going to Cherno or Electro. Go to the woods' date=' raid barns and small towns. The coast is full of assholes who just kill each other all day.

Also: Search Button.


thats wrong as players in-land will also kill you, because they are protecting loot spawns so noone gets any loot but them. what greedy asswholes.

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Alive Characters: 343' date='102

Survival Attempts: 10,174,596

Murders: 1,554,315

Bandits Alive: 63,383

Bandits killed: 267,964

Figured I would cut the bullshit and just link the stats, is there any evidence you can suggest otherwise that this is a 'deathmatch'?

You are a moron, plain and simple.


How many of those Survival Attempts are from people clicking the respawn button immediately because they didn't like where it spawned them in the first place?

As its been stated a hundred fucking times, they aren't counted in the stats.

Geez calm down bro. Not everybody stalks these forums 24/7

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How many of those Survival Attempts are from people clicking the respawn button immediately because they didn't like where it spawned them in the first place?

How many of those murders were done in self defence?

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Alive Characters: 343' date='102

Survival Attempts: 10,174,596

Murders: 1,554,315

Bandits Alive: 63,383

Bandits killed: 267,964

Figured I would cut the bullshit and just link the stats, is there any evidence you can suggest otherwise that this is a 'deathmatch'?

You are a moron, plain and simple.


How many of those Survival Attempts are from people clicking the respawn button immediately because they didn't like where it spawned them in the first place?

As its been stated a hundred fucking times, they aren't counted in the stats.

Geez calm down bro. Not everybody stalks these forums 24/7

No, but the search button isn't hard to use.

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I got bored after the second page of this thread.

My Input: Use the heartbeat sensor. It will become your best friend on if you should spare someone or not. Or trust them if they spare you.

Also, why did you turn your back to someone?

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Alive Characters: 343' date='102

Survival Attempts: 10,174,596

Murders: 1,554,315

Bandits Alive: 63,383

Bandits killed: 267,964

Figured I would cut the bullshit and just link the stats, is there any evidence you can suggest otherwise that this is a 'deathmatch'?

You are a moron, plain and simple.


It's one thing to list stats to prove something which is already obvious (you're wrong). It's another to call someone an idiot. So far only you have given a reason to be labeled as one.

You either do not understand how to read those stats, or are simply spinning false information. Survival attempts means people have died that many times. Murders are obviously people killing other people. If there have been over 10 million deaths, and only over 1 million murders.... it stands to reason that 10% of all deaths being murders means this is NOT in fact a deathmatch game.

It would seem it is a zombie survival game. Weird.

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Never had any problems with people shooting me on sight that weren't bandits. It really isn't hard to avoid being shot, if you see another survivor use direct chat to communicate with him if he is coming towards you say over direct chat I'm friendly buddy, but don't you come any closer, if he proceeds to ignore your warnings shoot him.

I've seen plenty of people go WAAAAAAA I got shot in the back by a survivor I just met and he took my all gear. Why would you give a complete stranger the benefit of the doubt, I'd want him to go in front of me, so I had the advantage, it really isn't hard. I swear half the people that come on these forums are made of glass and shatter and break when the littlest amount of discomfort comes their way.

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I'm sorry but you are a special kind of person if you really believe only 10% of legitimate deaths are from other players. If you knew anything about stats, odds, and probabilities you would know those numbers are completely worthless for figuring that out.

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I'm sorry but you are a special kind of person if you really believe only 10% of legitimate deaths are from other players. If you knew anything about stats' date=' odds, and probabilities you would know those numbers are completely worthless for figuring that out.


I believe the point is not whether or not the stats are reliable, the point is that they are all we have.

They are dozens of people shouting "deathmatch" and "CoD Kiddies" as a new craze, but they don't even have half reliable stats to backup their anecdotal biased ranting.

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If this is a deathmatch game just say so' date=' I could have saved my money and bought doom 3 or an unreal game...


For starters, DayZ as it is now is a completely free mod (for now) for a game called Arma 2, which is what you paid for, which is almost entirely a co-op military sim.

Secondly, I've had loads of fun playing Day Z co op with my friends, most people without a good way to communicate will shoot you, but if you want to play co op in day z just go on the forums and find some buddies to play with, and there is plenty to do with friends too, like fixing up a helicopter, or a battlebus for example.

Try a little harder, don't just expect every thing to fall in your lap the way you want it to.

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I'm sorry but you are a special kind of person if you really believe only 10% of legitimate deaths are from other players. If you knew anything about stats' date=' odds, and probabilities you would know those numbers are completely worthless for figuring that out.


I believe the point is not whether or not the stats are reliable, the point is that they are all we have.

They are dozens of people shouting "deathmatch" and "CoD Kiddies" as a new craze, but they don't even have half reliable stats to backup their anecdotal biased ranting.

There are also so many factors like bugs, glitches, hackers, etc.. Saying 10% of people die from bandits might be fair, but lets not act like that means 90% die from zombies. That can't even be close. It could easily be completely even, but with the way the stats read it will never show.

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I'd say with the more difficult zombies, start with practically nothing, and harder to find stuff it is so difficult as to not be fun even lonewolfing anymore. Was good but 1.7.1.x made it just kind of a pain.

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I die mostly from zombies not because I suck it's because my axe runs out of ammo!

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Too much paranoia among players. Every single person I let live shot me in the back, that was before I became bandit and began KOS everyone. As bandit I survived much longer and it is the only viable way to play unless you have some rl friends you can trust. If I had friends playing dayz I wouldn't care about mod turning into a deathmatch.

As the other guy said, the game is what we (the community) make of it and we made shit, especially around the coast.

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Right' date=' to respond to that let me just say that in reality, if that's what this game is trying to achieve "realism", this is simply a "game" and nothing else, nomatter how you put it, nobody is ever going to think of it as anything else than just sitting behind a screen "safely" and just do what they see fit.

As in all deathmatch games, it's all and always been about killing other players, possibly finding loot, this game just so happens to currently use the pavlovs drooling dog theory "FORCING" players to kill other players for their loot giving them the upper hand.

In reality, evolutionarily, all bandits have effectively wiped themselves out since being a bandit is not an effective way to uphold the survival of a specie.

Hence why we today "in real life" are living together effectively helping eachother out instead.

If this mod is ever going to be realistic, this is what it should reflect and it needs to force it, otherwise it will never in it's lifetime be a "realistic" game but simply just a "death match game".

I rest my case.


human history isn't all cherries and blueberries. we've always been dog eat dog as a species and continue to be. we just do things on the meta scale now.

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