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UGH! Damn Campfire..

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Well.. Lets say for the recored "YES! I am a bandit"

After establishing that following statement.. I was scoping out the NW Airfield of course looking for some pray to restock on supplies as needed. Finally after murdering a few people I started making my way NW to a near by town, and I was mainly making my way to this town due to the Water Pump located within to refill my water bottles. I just so happen notice a lovely off road jeep park in the trees outside the town. Man was I happy.. Loaded out 3 FN (The Basic ones), plenty of medical supply, and BAM! a L85A2 AWS!! Of course I stole the jeep and relocated it but was in process of cooking some meat on campfire and drop my DMR to swap to the L85A2 AWS and it disappeared.. I mean DAMN! Didn't even get to equip the damn thing..

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Haha that's so unlucky :( I feel for you.

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No real loss on the L85A2 AWS, have found several of them. After having one, the rest I either leave or throw away. (Kill a zombie, place on zombie, hide zombie).. Since no destroy option.

They are not that good... terrible at anything below 200m, no iron sight/day sight. The scope takes up 1/3 of your screen.

The thermal is nice for scanning an area, only upside. During the day, your screwed, unless you carry two primaryies, but then thats so buggy.. I don't trust it.


You didn't miss out on anything worth while... Plus you got a free jeep?!?

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