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HACKER CONFIRMED on DayZ Livonia EU - DE 4295 (1st Person Only)

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Yesterday, on 06/09/23, around 20:00 CET some guy went to the prison and from there was shooting everyone in 1 km range. Anyone that came closer than that - bam, headshot, no matter if you are in a building, forest, behind a rock whatever. He did that for a good hour, maybe longer, idk because I simply quit the game after getting wiped like three times.

It started with me and my two buddies getting all instakilled when looting the prison, he looted our gear and stayed up there, shot anyone coming close heading in his direction. So we couldn't even get our gear back. After some quick investigation, it appears that most popular hacks you can rent cheaply have about 1 km enemy ESP aimbot range. I talked to other players that also got headshotted and freshly spawned in my area.

I will not even mention that we all lost our stashed loot around the same time in the last couple of days in like 10 different locations. He was probably cruising the map and destroying everything he spotted. 


At this point the game is unplayable for anyone who wants to do anything else than basic PvP with a shotgun, any long time investment is futile and just waste of time, better go shoot Call of Duty. Right now no one should spend time building a base or assembling a car - all the effort will be wasted by some unhinged troll. Also, from what I see the rent-a-hack industry is growing lager with every year passing, this is so sad no one can stop them from ruining our experience. Maybe in games like COD this is acceptable because matches are short, but in DayZ where you grow your player for weeks sometimes, this is super painful and dark.

Edited by livonian-kielbasa
  • Beans 1

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And no, I will not get a console just to play DayZ, because I don't like using pads, it takes out so much accuracy and reaction speed. It' also much less immersive imho. I'll just switch to other games and wait for the times when someone will create anti-cheating software that will raise the hacking cost so much that almost no one will afford to use it.

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Apparently, the hacker still is on the same server - DE 4295. Once someone is getting close to the prison, gets immediately headshotted out of nowhere. For anyone giving two fucks, it's so easy to check the logs and ban him. This guy probably has a base in prison, if I had to guess.

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21 hours ago, livonian-kielbasa said:

Also, I am writing this here, because your link about reporting servers does not even work here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/158966-dayz-standalone-server-hosting-rules-server-reporting/

Hi, could you please point me to where you found this link? That info is outdated.
Thank you

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