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Two guys looking for a group

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Hey, a friend and I are looking to join a group. We are about two a month+ into the game. We are a two man unit but we're looking to change that and play with a mature preferred age 21+ coordinated group. We know the game pretty well, have plenty of medical supplies, scouting and sneaking into towns we do well. Looking to start building choppers, vehicles and raiding for military grade weapons.

East coast time zone. We play into the night.

Hit me back with a PM if any clans/communities are interested.

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im about the same as you. 1 month + into the game. 24 yrs. im i gmt +1 time zone but i play well into the morning at the moment. i like tactical approaches just like you wrote. well geared. PM me if you want to talk further.

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I have a group of 3, we play sometimes during the day and nights. Whats your steam?

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My clan is always looking for dedicated players to join us. we are very teamwork oriented we area multi gaming clan. we have been playing dayz for about a month now but have been playing arma for over a year now so we know how to play the game pretty well pm me if you got any questions. http://434thcob.guildlaunch.com

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