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Console Update 1.22

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Console 1.22 Update 1 - Version 1.22.156593 (Released on 29.08.2023)




  • Sling Bag
  • Army Pouch
  • Canvas Bag
  • Leather Duffel Bag
  • Hip Pack
  • Craftable Drysack Bag
  • New animation and sound for activating the heat pack
  • White variant of the fingerless wool gloves
  • DLC section in the main menu


  • Fixed a game crash related to the login process
  • The regular logout timer and the one prompted when accepting a server invitation were not consistent
  • Some button prompts were not present in the inventory after dropping an item
  • Option to put item in hands back into inventory was not displayed in inventory hints
  • HUD brightness settings were not connected to the account
  • Fixed a server crash related to vehicle deletion
  • Car horns were not played when started outside of other players' network bubble
  • Fixed a cause of the character and creatures movement giving the perception of micro-stutters at inconsistent but reliably high frame rate
  • Fixed an exploit to stand up from prone faster
  • Throwing an item into rivers/ponds/lakes would not produce a splash sound in deep water
  • Throwing an item into water would incorrectly play the sound at the bed of the water
  • The character was unable to enter some building entrances that were slightly above ground level
  • Players dying under water would not float up to the surface
  • Fixed a case of door animation desynchronization related to navmesh updates
  • The character name in the server browser was not displayed correctly in all cases
  • Fixed an exploit related to poison gas zone triggers (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172418 - private)
  • When attempting to turn the car on with low fuel, the engine state between server and client would desynchronize
  • Actions that would hide items in hands would display the item to other players if they entered the network bubble after the action was started
  • AI were unable to enter the Livonia bunker
  • AI would not register open doors of the service hangar
  • It was not possible to detach the battery from a head torch looted from infected
  • Flares shot from the flare gun would produce a continuous sound when stuck in objects (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172688)
  • The clerk infected looked too dark
  • Road flares would continue to burn for up to a minute even after reaching ruined state
  • Some weapon attachments were not registering hit impacts
  • Mining rocks with smaller tools did not play sounds
  • Destroyed fuel pumps would still yield gasoline
  • Washing hands with a water bottle did not have sounds
  • Certain can opening actions did not have sounds
  • Interrupting the washing hands action could result in a character glitch
  • Fixed several exploits to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T157876 - private, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T165940 - private, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169841, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171015, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171773 - private)
  • Several clothing items were missing their hitboxes
  • Camera was glitching when attempting to switch to prone in deep water
  • Bolts could get stuck in water
  • Crossbow bolts did not reflect their damage states correctly
  • It was not possible to shave while wearing the carnival mask
  • After removing a burlap sack from a player's head, their hair could clip with their head gear
  • The red dot of the RVN Optic was not aligned with the center of the screen (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171772)
  • If a dead body was skinned and quartered, bolts stuck in it would disappear
  • Attempting to treat another player's wounds could result in false prompts to bandage yourself
  • Fixed several instances of items being held badly by the player
  • Fixed several instances of clothing items clipping
  • Fixed several building issues and exploits (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170849, https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169681)
  • Item widget would stay on the screen for the duration of hold actions (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T143492)
  • While driving, the user would constantly get the item widget of the car prompted
  • Medieval helmets had inconsistent impact sounds when thrown
  • The crossbow did not have sounds when used in prone
  • The crossbow did not have sounds when dry shooting indoors
  • The reload sound of the crossbow was more quiet while moving
  • The thirst indication sound could overlap with the fever sound
  • The thirst sound was not being played while wearing a gas mask or helmet
  • Prison doors played the wrong sounds (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T162517)
  • Audio of certain doors was desynchronized (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170418)
  • The respawn timer was skipped as soon as the game was loaded (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159902)
  • The reticle of the ATOG 6x48 optic was blurry on low graphics settings (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171572)
  • Widgets connected to dead bodies were not static on the screen (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172420)
  • An unconscious player could temporarily go into falling state and see their surroundings
  • Jumping while applying a gag bugs the rag
  • It was possible to access the inventory while blindfolded after waking up from unconsciousness
  • Deployed fence kits could block ladder exits (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173115 - private)
  • The audio effect of the flash grenade would persist after respawn if the player was killed during it (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172824 - private)
  • Certain car wreck doors wouldn't open in all cases (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172885)
  • Despawned fireplaces could still cause damage to players at their position
  • It was possible to collapse the hand slot container in the inventory (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T170500)
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed auto-rolling
  • Ambient sounds were missing after relogging while alt-tabbing in the Livonia underground
  • It was possible to warm up pills and split them
  • It was possible to bypass travel/server hop spawns by logging off on a ladder (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173612 - private)
  • The player could cancel the stagger animation from a heavy hit by jumping (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173573 - private)
  • Fixed certain exploits to look through walls (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172611 - private)
  • It was possible to throw two-handed weapons through walls if standing too close to them
  • The flare gun was reflecting wrongly in the UI that it was loaded with an empty shell after firing
  • Holding shift while moving in throwing stance would consume stamina
  • Gun shot tail sounds were not present when using a suppressor
  • Some ambient sounds were missing in the amusement parks (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T169241)
  • It was possible to skip the staggering animation triggered by a heavy attack (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T173573 - private)
  • Unconscious players did not receive falling damage
  • When joining the game without a microphone plugged in, it was not possible hear other players' voice chat
  • Changing voice level would not function as intended if no microphone was enabled/connected
  • It was not possible to arm improvised explosives on the first attempt (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T166879)
  • Infected can spawn with head torches again


  • Mouse cursor in menus is now visible only when the mouse is connected and enabled in options
  • While moving an item in the inventory, the selected item remains highlighted as well
  • Balanced gear armor values against melee weapons
  • Balanced damage caused by melee weapons and infected
  • Blunt melee weapons now inflict significantly more shock damage than health damage
  • Sharp melee weapons now inflict significantly more health damage than shock damage
  • The chance of suffering bleeding now both depends on the weapon/infected type, as well as protective clothing
  • Certain low tier sharp weapons will no longer cause push-back even when using heavy attack.
  • Chance of suffering bleeding is now based on weapons and armor
  • Added collisions for the player with dead bodies large animals
  • Reduced the weight of gas canisters (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171733)
  • Improved the fire geometry for several firearms
  • Improved the fire geometry of several weapon attachments
  • Improved sounds of explosives
  • Reduced the damage taken by belts from torso hits by 20 percent
  • Reduced surface noise when driving over specific surfaces (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T171153)
  • Item widgets are no longer visible when blinded by a flash grenade or burlap sack
  • Updated the game credits
  • The in-game server browser now displays exact player numbers
  • Removed the column for slots in the server browser
  • Made the reception space in hospitals accessible (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172766)


  • Added: Missing armbands for new flag variants
  • Fixed: Fixed misaligned spawnpoints for various buildings
  • Changed: Reduced the amount of backpacks spawning on infected
  • Changed: Reduced amount of backpacks spawning in the world
  • Changed: Rebalanced spawning locations of backpacks
  • Changed: Reduced amount of tools that work as high tier weapons and increased their low tier counterparts
  • Changed: Gasoline Canisters no longer spawn with full gasoline
  • Changed: Gas Canisters no longer spawn with full gas
  • Changed: Power generator no longer spawns with full fuel



  • Fixed: A police event close to Brena was misplaced



  • Pressing the R-key after emptying a magazine can result in weapon desynchronization - a fix is undergoing internal testing


PC Stable 1.22 Update 2 - Version 1.22.156656 (Release on 07.09.2023)




  • Fixed a bug where the firearm became unusable when closing the bolt with an empty magazine loaded
  • Fixed a bug which broke the placement of objects in the world

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Do server owners need to add the new items to the files...?

Ps love the game can't wait to see what DayZ2 turns out 😉

Many thanks

Tommy Roe

Psn " Old-_-Dog-89 "

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Can you please make the account change in the server browser configurable for server owners because many of my players use different accounts to play different roles on my server. I being the server owner would like to configure the account change timers to better reflect my server game styles. I find the harsh timing waiting 15 plus minutes to get into my own server that’s unacceptable. 

My second idea is to remove the timer if a player is switching to another account on the same server. 


Dayz owner going on 7 years 


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  On 8/29/2023 at 2:00 PM, Old-_-Dog said:


Do server owners need to add the new items to the files...?

Ps love the game can't wait to see what DayZ2 turns out 😉

Many thanks

Tommy Roe

Psn " Old-_-Dog-89 "

Hi, you need to update your files.

  On 8/29/2023 at 2:09 PM, Old-_-Dog said:

Since the update today I now can't use the editor on PC....?

Is this a known fault..?

If you mean the community mod, there is a possibility the editor was not updated the moment you tried. If you are having issues with it, please, contact the creator.

  On 8/29/2023 at 4:48 PM, duane_simmons said:

Can you please make the account change in the server browser configurable for server owners because many of my players use different accounts to play different roles on my server. I being the server owner would like to configure the account change timers to better reflect my server game styles. I find the harsh timing waiting 15 plus minutes to get into my own server that’s unacceptable. 

My second idea is to remove the timer if a player is switching to another account on the same server. 


Dayz owner going on 7 years 


I hope I am getting your question right as there already is an option for community owners
The server config parameter is: disableMultiAccountMitigation = true;
Turning off the additional timers is setting this parameter to true

  On 8/30/2023 at 12:55 AM, Lich King Jamius said:

Camps wiped? All my camps are wiped... I thought this update would not do that. Not just mine, noticed other people's as well.

Hi, what server are you on? Where was your camp and what is your gamer tag? You can also create a ticket here.

  • Thanks 1

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On console community servers, custom areas using the white fog from Halloween event is acting as if it's toxic gas.

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Gun shots seemed to not be heard from other players at range until close enough.

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Feature Request:

Is it possible to port over the grid inventory system to console? Give players the option to use that system or the basic through settings. 

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PC Stable 1.22 Update 2 - Version 1.22.156656 (Release on 07.09.2023)




  • Fixed a bug where the firearm became unusable when closing the bolt with an empty magazine loaded
  • Fixed a bug which broke the placement of objects in the world

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  On 9/2/2023 at 9:16 AM, Drift13b88 said:

On console community servers, custom areas using the white fog from Halloween event is acting as if it's toxic gas.

Please use type "SpookyArea", not "ContaminatedArea_Static". ☺️

  On 9/2/2023 at 9:17 AM, Drift13b88 said:

Gun shots seemed to not be heard from other players at range until close enough.

https://feedback.bistudio.com/T175071 - It's scheduled for a fix.

  On 9/4/2023 at 5:00 AM, TFletch said:

Feature Request:

Is it possible to port over the grid inventory system to console? Give players the option to use that system or the basic through settings. 

The request was forwarded.

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I’m sure I’m tardy to the party, but finding issues with placement of tents, fireplaces, walls, etc. don’t know if all of this was intended. I know wall stacking was something on the docket, just curious if this will be tended to on console 


Edited by mike patelson
Wrong wording, reread replies from admin

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  On 9/10/2023 at 2:54 AM, mike patelson said:

I’m sure I’m tardy to the party, but finding issues with placement of tents, fireplaces, walls, etc. don’t know if all of this was intended. I know wall stacking was something on the docket, just curious if this will be tended to on console 


Hi mike, would you please have a ticket number for me with more details?

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  On 9/8/2023 at 11:42 AM, Kyiara said:

Please use type "SpookyArea", not "ContaminatedArea_Static". ☺️

No, literally the, type "SpookyArea", is acting as if it's "ContaminatedArea_Static" these areas where created prior to 1.22 and worked as intended just white fog, now they are still white fog but inducing bleeds, coughing, gas poisoning.

Edited by Drift13b88
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  On 9/4/2023 at 5:00 AM, TFletch said:

Feature Request:

Is it possible to port over the grid inventory system to console? Give players the option to use that system or the basic through settings. 

You truly don't want this in my opinion on console it is more prone to being bugged creating ghost space where a item can't be placed in bugged slots unless relog, also let's say you have a Mosin and would like to place it in a 63 slot bag it won't fit albeit that's more realistic factor on PC but on console we have luxury of, if have say 30 of 63 available it will fit and not be dependent on grid size placement.

Edited by Drift13b88

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  On 9/13/2023 at 2:11 AM, Drift13b88 said:

No, literally the, type "SpookyArea", is acting as if it's "ContaminatedArea_Static" these areas where created prior to 1.22 and worked as intended just white fog, now they are still white fog but inducing bleeds, coughing, gas poisoning.

We tried to reproduce it but everything is working as intended, no cuts, no gas poisoning...
Could you send us your mission files so we can check the setup? Or feel free to create a ticket and send me the number.

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  On 9/13/2023 at 2:55 PM, Kyiara said:

We tried to reproduce it but everything is working as intended, no cuts, no gas poisoning...
Could you send us your mission files so we can check the setup? Or feel free to create a ticket and send me the number.

Ok I'll relay info to server owner and get back to you. Albeit these areas were created before 1.22 and working as intended SpookyArea gas maybe update changed them, although off because still appears as white fog.

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Thanks a lot for the continuous support and enhancement of a great game!

I have been running a PVE focused server for about 2 years now. It’s fun and enjoyable, yet I believe the current level of environmental challenges is limiting the depth of the PVE experience. In a sense I have a strong feeling of untapped potential here. However, I also believe it might be fixed with relatively minor changes, although it would require experimentation (which could be explored by community servers). Therefore I would ask if it’s possible to consider the following new features.

1. Minimally modify AI just to avoid NPC standing where they would be easy to hit through walls and windows. This applies to zombies, wolves and bears. Currently they are a real challenge only when in open field and far away from climbable assets. Not sure about the complexity of this change, but it seems a doable change at high level by just avoiding stating right next to obstacles;

2. Make NPC stats and parameters configurable via json files. I imagine these configurations could be easily exposed: per attack type damage, hp, awareness levels and distance, etc

These two changes might give server owners an opportunity to create interesting NPC situations and a more challenging PVE experience beyond avoiding starvation.

Thanks for your attention and potential feedback 🙂

Edited by Roberto Bifulco

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  On 9/13/2023 at 10:14 PM, Roberto Bifulco said:

Thanks a lot for the continuous support and enhancement of a great game!

I have been running a PVE focused server for about 2 years now. It’s fun and enjoyable, yet I believe the current level of environmental challenges is limiting the depth of the PVE experience. In a sense I have a strong feeling of untapped potential here. However, I also believe it might be fixed with relatively minor changes, although it would require experimentation (which could be explored by community servers). Therefore I would ask if it’s possible to consider the following new features.

1. Minimally modify AI just to avoid NPC standing where they would be easy to hit through walls and windows. This applies to zombies, wolves and bears. Currently they are a real challenge only when in open field and far away from climbable assets. Not sure about the complexity of this change, but it seems a doable change at high level by just avoiding stating right next to obstacles;

2. Make NPC stats and parameters configurable via json files. I imagine these configurations could be easily exposed: per attack type damage, hp, awareness levels and distance, etc

These two changes might give server owners an opportunity to create interesting NPC situations and a more challenging PVE experience beyond avoiding starvation.

Thanks for your attention and potential feedback 🙂

Hi, I will add it to our community suggestion list. 🙂 

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Meu mouse dês da atualização não consigo segurar o botão direito do mouse e bater ou atirar simplesmente não acontece nada até comprei um novo mouse de outra marca para verificar mais não funciona 

Edited by alisson bitencourt

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Console 1.22 Update 3 - Version 1.22.156771 (Released on 4.10.2023)




  • Reduced the amount of damage infected deal to clothing and players


  • Fixed: Objects with skeleton (houses, items) would not draw in diag "Enfusion World > Show bodies"

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How about the suppressor sound? Shooting a suppressed gun makes nearly the same sound as a unsupressed gun.Besides that keep up the good work bohemia

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Is there anyway that, when you kill another player on official server you can get a notification who you killed? I love to snipe and by the time you get at the body you can only see survivor, maybe leave some sort of tag that you can collect or something, occasionally i like to message the killed player to let them know i left his gear at his dead body or meet up with him to give back what i can

  • Haha 1

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  On 10/4/2023 at 10:46 AM, AVITGhostrider said:

How about the suppressor sound? Shooting a suppressed gun makes nearly the same sound as a unsupressed gun.Besides that keep up the good work bohemia

It's not a bug they changed that purposely because IRL suppressors aren't meant to be silent, they can be heard but less. You'd have to be a fair distance away for a silencer to be silent.

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