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How can i get this mod to work without total lag?

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Hi Guys!

I got Arma II: CO and directly installed it. Afterwards i used the freeware tool to get all needed files for DayZ 1.5.7

Works fine.

After some time i also got it started without much problems. But then it hits me.

It laggs like crap! While watching videos of DayZ i thought: "Well, doesn't run too smooth ..." but that is really really crappy. I can't even walk 5 feet without thinking the world is going down.

I tried to get help from other players on the server, but i don't know how to chat!

So i changed chat from "/" to "T", because "/" wasn't working at all. But no single person even responded. I'm not sure if they could even read what i was typing, so here we are...

I don't own a BIG Pc, just 2 different Notebooks (@work/@home)


Intel® Core i7 CPU M 620 @ 2,67GHz (Dual Core)

4,00gb Ram

64bit Win 7


Is ARMA II really such a powerhouse that my @work isn't able to run it?

I first started with windows-mode, but it was unrunable (and you need to run @ DayZ right ;) )

So i changed to normal mode (i am running dual screen @work, so going windows-mode would be my favorite!) but even @1200x800, everything was laggy. even with AA to low and the other stuff nearly off ;(

hope anyone could help me!

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A few things.

1. Read alot of tweak guides, I had to turn down everything to bare minimum but my card is foreign and it's hard for me to play :V

2. Direct Chat is broken, you have to use Side chat or Global chat for now. It's an Arma II Bug.

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1. Read alot of tweak guides' date=' I had to turn down everything to bare minimum but my card is foreign and it's hard for me to play :V

2. Direct Chat is broken, you have to use Side chat or Global chat for now. It's an Arma II Bug.


okay, but with system requirements like Windows XP or newer

Dual Core CPU

256 MB RAM & Pixel Shader 3.0 or better

DirectX 9.0c or newer

9 GB free HDD space

I should be able to play this game without using 800x600...

thanks for #2... i was quite sure they simply couldn't hear me @all...

but why is there no little list of the most important keys? When new to ARMA 2 (like i am ;)), its just to much stuff to get at the start!

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Well thats because they expected you to of played Arma II before you get the mod! Look in the controls and get a feel for every little action I say.

Also I believe that Arma II is very GPU demanding if you ask me, but I can't confirm this. I just run it like ass.

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Hi Guys!

I got Arma II: CO and directly installed it. Afterwards i used the freeware tool to get all needed files for DayZ 1.5.7

Works fine.

After some time i also got it started without much problems. But then it hits me.

It laggs like crap! While watching videos of DayZ i thought: "Well' date=' doesn't run too smooth ..." but that is really really crappy. I can't even walk 5 feet without thinking the world is going down.

I tried to get help from other players on the server, but i don't know how to chat!

So i changed chat from "/" to "T", because "/" wasn't working at all. But no single person even responded. I'm not sure if they could even read what i was typing, so here we are...

I don't own a BIG Pc, just 2 different Notebooks (@work/@home)


Intel® Core i7 CPU M 620 @ 2,67GHz (Dual Core)

4,00gb Ram

64bit Win 7


Is ARMA II really such a powerhouse that my @work isn't able to run it?

I first started with windows-mode, but it was unrunable (and you need to run @ DayZ right ;) )

So i changed to normal mode (i am running dual screen @work, so going windows-mode would be my favorite!) but even @1200x800, everything was laggy. even with AA to low and the other stuff nearly off ;(

hope anyone could help me!


Your first issue is graphics. I'm assuming you mean a Nvidia 310M - even though that's dedicated graphics, it's bottom level and won't be able to handle Arma II. Rest of the system looks good for it, but that graphics card is what's killing you.

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Hi and thanks for the nice helps!

I am now @home and finally installed the game here too ;)

So in some minutes i will start ... hopefully i will be able to survive longer than 30min!

Last Question:

" Direct Chat is broken, you have to use Side chat or Global chat for now. It's an Arma II Bug."

Could you please tell me the key for that? I don't find anyway to chat with other players and i won't like to "talk" to them, because my girlfriend is trying to watch a movie ;)

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Hi and thanks for the nice helps!

I am now @home and finally installed the game here too ;)

So in some minutes i will start ... hopefully i will be able to survive longer than 30min!

Last Question:

" Direct Chat is broken' date=' you have to use Side chat or Global chat for now. It's an Arma II Bug."

Could you please tell me the key for that? I don't find anyway to chat with other players and i won't like to "talk" to them, because my girlfriend is trying to watch a movie ;)


Use full stop "." to change channels, and forward slash "/" to talk on your selected channel.

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Get the beta patch and install it.

Direct chat is broken so tough. (which is driving me insane)

Change your C:\Users\Who ever you are\Documents\ArmA 2\ArmA2OA.cfg file to get rid of the stupid level of pre rendering.

2 Lines.

GPU_MaxFramesAhead=3 is good;

GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3 is also good;

Have fun and watch your back.

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okay, seems to run more smoothly here (without this drunken smooth stuff ;)

Still changed the GPU_MaxFramesAhead from 1000 to 3 ;)

Which Beta-Patch ? Never heard of it .

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