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Instant kick from server

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About 10.30pm GMT

What happened:

I keep getting kicked from all of the DayZ servers without any reason behind it.

Where you were:

Southampton, England

What you were doing:

Force quitting from Arma 2 CO after I couldn't get out of the dead screen.

Also other info such as:

-Current installed version


-Server(s) they were on


-Your system specs

E8400 3.0ghz DUO CPU

4gb RAM

Windows 7 64bit

Nvidia Geforce GTX 560

-Timeline of events before/after error

When I died, couldn't get out of the dead screen, force quit out.

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please read the sticky in this forum and edit your post

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What you were doing:

Force quitting from Arma 2 CO after I couldn't get out of the dead screen.

Just to clarify, you died and could not get out of the "DayZ" image screen?

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Have you tried doing the following:

After you die, hit Esc button

Choose "Abort"

Once in character loading screen, click on "Ready"

Should load you back in

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Have you tried doing the following:

After you die' date=' hit Esc button

Choose "Abort"

Once in character loading screen, click on "Ready"

Should load you back in


I've had the problem where pressing Esc hasn't worked, and I've been stuck on the screen

Managed to fix the problem by reinstalling the whole thing


Seems to happen again

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Same here when I die.

Hitting escape on the "You are dead" screen does not bring up options, I can however alt-f4, other windows commands to exit as well, and shift-tab into steam overlay. Nothing amiss on the processes screen either, just won't recognize escape.

Server: US3

version: X.23

Specs: [email protected]

Nvidia 8800GTS

4gm ram

Using the steam launcher running CO.

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Same as the guys above except the servers let me in, I have to alt f4 out of the game if I die as It will not let me go to the escape menu, it won't even let me type ingame, no buttons work what so ever, but for my friends it does work. :S


Just noticed this thread, I am also a bandit, are the guys above also bandits?

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