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Sick every 15-20 mins

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Is anyone else getting this?

I can barely run from one place to another without getting sick. I played for 35 minutes this morning, got a cold 3 times and cured three times. I timed it and i'm im sick every 15-20 mins. I was sick 4 mins after logging in, dry, warm, fed, sheltered.
I'm having to hang around areas with med centres just to keep up on Tetracycline


EDIT: logged in for 30 mins at lunchtime and got sick twice in that time. it's ridiculous. Going to bury my stuff and off her

I've never had a char get sick so often so repeatably. Half tempted to kill her off cos of her weak constitution.

Had a character for a little while, she gets sick all the time.
I have full health, blood, food, water and warm temp. I'm not wet or damp.
I have Hunter Jacket, BDU Pants, Hunter Boots. Plenty of food and water.

Edited by Scrimmers
  • Beans 1

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A few most probable causes:

Dirty hands - no gloves. Don't gut animals without gloves, or make sure you wash hands after.

Drinking dirty water - don't drink the water(any water including in any found container!) unless it comes from a pump stand or you have chlorine.

Infections - if you get cut and use dirty rags without antiseptic or iodine tincture, you will like get an infection and die.

Also - lastly possible - food poisoning from eating dog food, cat food, or mysterious food cans too much.



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Of you wear something covering your mouth you’re reinfecting yourself… discard the balaklava, ski mask, motorbike helmet you arr wearing…

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