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LAN compatable?

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Me and a few friends have LANs , is dayz compatable with us all having the same ip adress ?

all have are own versions , just dont know how the hive server will react?


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I have not checked myself. There is a lan option in the bottom left of the game. I suppose it's more of an issue with each server rather than the game itself.

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I have not checked myself. There is a lan option in the bottom left of the game. I suppose it's more of an issue with each server rather than the game itself.

wont be hosting a game localy , all joining the same server

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It will work, Servers let people in based more on ID than IP (As the server admin can have up to 3 different connections to a server (E.g Battle eye tools, Console commands etc)) so it should not be a problem at all.

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Will work fine, me and a friend nearly do it every day.

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