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Making tripwires more useful early-game

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Tripwires at the moment are quite expensive, requiring a metal wire to craft and a grenade to actually use, which makes them pretty much impossible to use early-game.

My suggestion is to add a less lethal version of the tripwire, that can be used to alert players about an enemy's presence.

This kind of tripwire would be crafted with regular rope, however it won't be possible to attach grenades to it, since that would be too op, and also pulling a grenade pin requires more force anyway. The only thing that could be attached to it are small pistols, which would shoot  when a player walks over the tripwire. They could possibly also point towards the player to inflict some damage, but I'll leave this up for discussion.

Either way this could make tripwires much more useful, for example if you plan to stay in a town for a bit longer, you can put this tripwire in the front door of a police station together with a badly damaged IJ-70, and when someone enters you will hear a gunshot, alerting you about a player's presence. The same can be done for military tents, hospitals, regular houses etc..

What do you guys think?

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