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Corpse Chronicles-Shorter Nights-(pvp) US | PC | Chernarus

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Hello everyone, I have created a 60+ modded server that I am trying to get more traffic to.

The server is modded but not with a gross amount of mods that change the feel of the game I tried my best to keep the actual base version of the game in mind when putting mods in. I am new to owning a server but eager to see it grow, If you decide to join my server I would do everything I can to make it the best server you have been in.

About the server: I have changed a few of the settings of the server to provide shorter nights more cars and more loot, I tweaked it just a bit but I tried to make it not so overwhelming with loot.

Mods: I installed a few mods to overall improve the server's enjoyment they are listed below

Airdrop_Upgraded: For more chance to get better loot and fight for it.

BaseBuildingPlus: for better customization

CJ187_MoreCars: for different types of cars so you do not have the same boring cars(nothing crazy thought)

GoreZ: we all like a little more blood right?

MunghardsItempack: For more enjoyable items that you probably would find in the real world.

NatureOverhaul: just so the games are not so bare looking.

ZomBerry_Admin_Tools: THIS TOOL WILL ONLY BE USED TO CATCH CHEATERS NOTHING ELSE any admins caught using for other things are instantly banned.

If you have any problems at all send me a discord msg: https://discord.gg/pACA4wF7Sn

The discord server is not 100% optimized I am still working on it sorry =(

(Ip/Port : IP:

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