Hitward 0 Posted July 14, 2023 Hi, im pretty new to modding(started 5 days ago), im having problem with hidden selection. Im making new suppressor for mortys weaponpack for .338 rifles, so I needed to debinaze M24 p3d to place proxy of my suppressor, but after debinazing his hidden selection (camo) stopped working(Tried other models too) So im asking if someone had similar problem //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DeRap: M24\config.bin //Produced from mikero's Dos Tools Dll version 9.10 //https://mikero.bytex.digital/Downloads //'now' is Fri Jul 14 01:40:56 2023 : 'file' last modified on Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define _ARMA_ class CfgPatches { class M24 { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"TTC_M24","TTC_M24_Bjorn","TTC_M24_Woodland","TTC_M24_WoodlandOld","TTC_M24_NEW_Wood","TTC_M24_NEW_Black","TTC_M24_NEW_Camo","TTC_M24_NEW_CamoW"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"DZ_Data"}; magazines[] = {"TTC_M24New_mag_5rnd"}; }; }; class Mode_Safe; class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_Burst; class Mode_FullAuto; class OpticsInfoRifle; class CfgWeapons { class BoltActionRifle_Base; class TTC_M24_Base: BoltActionRifle_Base { scope = 0; weight = 5400; absorbency = 0.1; repairableWithKits[] = {1}; repairCosts[] = {25}; discreteDistance[] = {25}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; initSpeedMultiplier = 1.05; modelOptics = "-"; forceOptics = 0; distanceZoomMin = 100; distanceZoomMax = 100; PPDOFProperties[] = {1,0.6,50,200,4,10}; optics = 1; ironsightsExcludingOptics[] = {"M68Optic","M4_T3NRDSOptic","ReflexOptic","M4_T3NRDSOptic","ReflexOptic","ACOGOptic","HuntingOptic","LongrangeOptic","sniperOptic"}; value = 0; chamberSize = 1; attachments[] = {"weaponOpticsHunting","weaponOptics","weaponWrap","weaponSuppressor338"}; chamberedRound = ""; chamberableFrom[] = {"TTC_Ammo_338","CTG_Ammo_338","SNAFU_Ammo_338","Ammo_338","Ammo_Expansion_338","Ammo_AE338"}; magazines[] = {"TTC_M24mag_5rnd"}; magazineSwitchTime = 0.38; ejectType = 0; barrelArmor = 3.75; recoilModifier[] = {1.5,2,1.5}; swayModifier[] = {2,2,1.1}; simpleHiddenSelections[] = {"hide_barrel"}; drySound[] = {"dz\sounds\weapons\firearms\mosin9130\mosin_dry",0.5,1,20}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"dz\sounds\weapons\firearms\CR527\cz527_reload_0",1,1,20}; reloadSound[] = {"dz\sounds\weapons\firearms\CR527\cz527_cycling_0",1,1,20}; reloadAction = "Reloadcz527"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; shotAction = "Reloadcz527Shot"; class OpticsInfo: OpticsInfoRifle { memoryPointCamera = "eye"; modelOptics = "-"; distanceZoomMin = 200; distanceZoomMax = 200; discreteDistance[] = {200}; discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0; }; }; class TTC_M24: TTC_M24_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "M24A3"; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. By Morty"; model = "\TTC_Rifles\M24\M24.p3d"; itemSize[] = {10,4}; dexterity = 3.3; spawnDamageRange[] = {0,0.6}; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24_co.paa"}; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24.rvmat"}; class Particles { class OnFire { class SmokeCloud { overrideParticle = "weapon_shot_winded_smoke"; }; class MuzzleFlash { overrideParticle = "weapon_shot_cz527_01"; ignoreIfSuppressed = 1; illuminateWorld = 1; positionOffset[] = {-0.05,0,0}; }; }; class OnOverheating { shotsToStartOverheating = 1; maxOverheatingValue = 4; overheatingDecayInterval = 3; class BarrelSmoke { overrideParticle = "smoking_barrel_small"; }; }; class OnBulletCasingEject { class ChamberSmokeRaise { overrideParticle = "weapon_shot_chamber_smoke_raise"; overridePoint = "Nabojnicestart"; }; }; }; modes[] = {"Single"}; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { soundSetShot[] = {"M24_SoundSet","Win_Tail_SoundSet","Win_InteriorTail_SoundSet"}; soundSetShotExt[] = {{"M24New_Silenced_SoundSet","Win_silencerHomeMadeTail_SoundSet","TTC_M4DMR_silencerInteriorHomeMadeTail_SoundSet"}}; reloadTime = 1; recoil = "recoil_cz527"; recoilProne = "recoil_cz527_prone"; dispersion = 0.001; magazineSlot = "magazine"; }; class DamageSystem { class GlobalHealth { class Health { hitpoints = 300; healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24.rvmat"}},{0.7,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24.rvmat"}},{0.5,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24.rvmat"}},{0.3,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24_damage.rvmat"}},{0.0,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24_destruct.rvmat"}}}; }; }; }; }; class TTC_M24_Bjorn: TTC_M24 { scope = 2; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. This one belonged to a guy named Bjørn. By Morty"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24Bjorn_co.paa"}; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24Bjorn.rvmat"}; }; class TTC_M24_Woodland: TTC_M24 { scope = 2; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. By Morty"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24Woodland_co.paa"}; }; class TTC_M24_WoodlandOld: TTC_M24 { scope = 2; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. By Morty"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\m24WoodlandOld_co.paa"}; }; class TTC_M24_NEW_Black: TTC_M24_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "M24A3"; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. By Morty"; model = "\TTC_Rifles\M24\TTC_M24New.p3d"; itemSize[] = {10,4}; attachments[] = {"weaponOpticsHunting","weaponOptics","weaponWrap","weaponSuppressor338"}; dexterity = 3.3; spawnDamageRange[] = {0,0.6}; magazines[] = {"TTC_M24New_mag_5rnd"}; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2_co.paa"}; class Particles { class OnFire { class SmokeCloud { overrideParticle = "weapon_shot_winded_smoke"; }; class MuzzleFlash { overrideParticle = "weapon_shot_cz527_01"; ignoreIfSuppressed = 1; illuminateWorld = 1; positionOffset[] = {-0.05,0,0}; }; }; class OnOverheating { shotsToStartOverheating = 1; maxOverheatingValue = 4; overheatingDecayInterval = 3; class BarrelSmoke { overrideParticle = "smoking_barrel_small"; }; }; class OnBulletCasingEject { class ChamberSmokeRaise { overrideParticle = "weapon_shot_chamber_smoke_raise"; overridePoint = "Nabojnicestart"; }; }; }; modes[] = {"Single"}; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { soundSetShot[] = {"M24_SoundSet","Win_Tail_SoundSet","Win_InteriorTail_SoundSet"}; soundSetShotExt[] = {{"M24New_Silenced_SoundSet","Win_silencerHomeMadeTail_SoundSet","TTC_M4DMR_silencerInteriorHomeMadeTail_SoundSet"}}; reloadTime = 1; recoil = "recoil_cz527"; recoilProne = "recoil_cz527_prone"; dispersion = 0.001; magazineSlot = "magazine"; }; class DamageSystem { class GlobalHealth { class Health { hitpoints = 300; healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2.rvmat"}},{0.7,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2.rvmat"}},{0.5,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2_damage.rvmat"}},{0.3,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2_damage.rvmat"}},{0.0,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2_destruct.rvmat"}}}; }; }; }; }; class TTC_M24_NEW_Wood: TTC_M24_NEW_Black { scope = 2; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. By Morty"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Camo3_co.paa"}; }; class TTC_M24_NEW_Camo: TTC_M24_NEW_Black { scope = 2; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. By Morty"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Camo2_co.paa"}; }; class TTC_M24_NEW_CamoW: TTC_M24_NEW_Black { scope = 2; descriptionShort = "Remington developed the M24A3 SWS, a variant of the M24 chambered for the .338 Lapua Magnum round and feeding from a 5-round detachable box magazine. By Morty"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Camo1_co.paa"}; }; }; class cfgMagazines { class Magazine_Base; class TTC_M24New_mag_5rnd: Magazine_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "5 round .338 magazine"; descriptionShort = ".338 Magazine for the M24A3. By Morty"; model = "\TTC_Rifles\M24\TTC_M24New_Magazine.p3d"; weight = 80; itemSize[] = {2,2}; count = 5; ammo = "TTC_Bullet338"; ammoItems[] = {"TTC_Ammo_338","CTG_Ammo_338","SNAFU_Ammo_338","Ammo_338","Ammo_Expansion_338"}; tracersEvery = 0; class DamageSystem { class GlobalHealth { class Health { hitpoints = 100; healthLevels[] = {{1.0,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Mag.rvmat"}},{0.7,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Mag.rvmat"}},{0.5,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Mag_damage.rvmat"}},{0.3,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Mag_damage.rvmat"}},{0.0,{"TTC_Rifles\M24\data\M24New\M24V2Mag_destruct.rvmat"}}}; }; }; }; }; }; class CfgSlots { class Slot_weaponSuppressor338 { name = "weaponSuppressor338"; displayName = "Suppressor .338"; ghostIcon = "set:dayz_inventory image:supressor"; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyAttachment; class ProxyFairySuppressor: ProxyAttachment { scope = 2; inventorySlot[] = {"weaponSuppressor338"}; model = "TTC_Rifles\M24\proxies\FairySuppressor.p3d"; }; }; https://prnt.sc/G2dEjmI-Gq43 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites